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Everything posted by AlexLaforge

  1. Hi @mvaneijgen, thank you very much for your post : I'm ashamed not having seen this sample before, as this is exactly what I need... and it works like magic ^^ 😁
  2. Hi, I would like to achieve this type of effect using GSAP : animate the skewY property while scrolling : https://codepen.io/rauldronca/pen/yQrmeE My first attempt is below, but with the obvious problem that GSAP seems to ignore the duration property, and reverts to the original skewY:0rad almost instantly. <div class="blocks-container"> <div style="width:100px;height:100px">BOX A</div> <div style="width:100px;height:100px">BOX B</div> <div style="width:100px;height:100px">BOX C</div> <div style="width:100px;height:100px">BOX D</div> </div> var obs01 = Observer.create({ target: 'blocks-container', type: "wheel,touch", onChange: function(self){ //Compute the distortion var newRad = Math.round((self.velocityY/5000)*2, 2); //var newRad = Math.round((self.deltaY/1000)*2, 2); //Put limits on distortion if(newRad > 0.125){ newRad = 0.125; }else if(newRad < -0.125){ newRad = -0.125; } //Apply distortion that will (should) last 3 seconds to get back to the normal "skewY:0rad" gsap.fromTo('.blocks-container > div', { duration: 3, skewY: newRad+"rad", }, { ease: "sine.out", duration: 3, skewY: "0rad", }); }, });
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