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Alina P

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Posts posted by Alina P

  1. 7 minutes ago, GreenSock said:

    Oh, it looks like a logic problem in your code - you're recreating the animations EVERY time animationClients() is called. And you're creating them AFTER you run your pause/play logic. 


    I assume you meant to create the animations once (outside that function), and then just play/pause them as necessary, rather than creating them over and over again inside that toggling function. 


    If you still need help, please make sure you only include a minimal demo - your demo had 400+ lines of code. That makes it very cumbersome to troubleshoot and it's beyond the scope of help we can provide here. Just recreate the problem in the simplest form possible. No need to include your real project. Just some simple colored <div> elements is fine. 

    Yes, it`s true. I fixed my bug. Thanks!

  2. Hi! I have problem. If the function immediately receives action === play, the animation works perfectly. If pause first and then play, then tlClientsTimeline works twice, and only then the callback starts. What is my mistake?


    What should be: tlClientsTimeline ends, tab switches, tlClientsChat begins. At the first launch, the function works correctly, but if you change the slide and then restart tl, it works twice.

    See the Pen MWdyZyb by aodxfaionn (@aodxfaionn) on CodePen

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