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Lennart Bellemann

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About Lennart Bellemann

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  1. Hi, I'm using gsap to create a menu animation, and a faq style accordion. Everthing works perfectly on chrome, however things get weird in safari ( as usual..) 1. My menu can't even be clicked - other gsap animtions work fine, it's just the menu. I'm absolutely clueless here, no idea why this doesn't work. I used the same animation in a different project where it works. 2. The faq style accordion works, however the two lines somehow go very far apart and then snap back together. For some reason this only happens on the first click, when i replay the animation by opening and closing the faq accordion, it works fine - just the first time is buggy. I tried fixing this with will-change: transform, and the parent flex to will-change: flex-gap, i set a max height for the parent div of the two lines, no luck so far. to me it looks like its re calculating the position of the lines and the new height because accordion opened at the same time, but i have no idea how to prevent this. here's my webflow read only link https://preview.webflow.com/preview/p102?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=p102&preview=2eb2afd9827dbe2503f9148839dad918&pageId=6634d062c40d0d42037fb5d7&locale=en&workflow=preview here's the live site: https://p102.webflow.io/wie-ich-arbeite any help is appreciated a lot, thanks!
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