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Posts posted by dustfuk

  1. hi there !

    Jack, i tried out the preview package you uploaded for bluetrout but didn't manage to have my app to work.

    So the new kinetic plugin (0.5.0) isn't working for me for the moment.

    Just to let you know.

    I'm still trying to see if the plugin is the problem or if it comes from somewhere else.

    I'll let you know if i find something useful.

  2. Carl,

    thank you for your help !

    i know now that it's not directly possible right now with the kinetic plugin.

    but your solution seems perfect !


    i also have many ways of displaying my lifebars differently so i don't have to use gradients :)

    but thank you so much for the time you spent on helping me.

    i'll remember the proxy object solution.

    and i'm going to check the colorprops plugin.

  3. Hi there,
    i'm developping a kind of tactical rpg game using html5 canvas and kineticjs to display most of the elements.
    i've just started to set up the first animations and tried out gsap to manage most of it.
    it's working pretty great for now.
    But i've encountered a problem recently and can't seem to understand why it's not working.
    i'll try to explain clearly here :
    i have lifebars drawn on my canvas and they need updates when one of the character on screen takes damage.
    my lifebars are Kinetic.Rect with a linear gradient fill with a stroke.
    i can't manage to make my tweenline update the fillLinearGradient on my Kinetic.Rect.
    i made some tests and there is no problem updating a simple fill color in my simpleFillRect like this exemple : 

    tweenLine.to( simpleFillRect, 4, {
    		    kinetic: {
    			fill: 'green'
    		} );

    but i can't update the properties needed for linear gradient :

    tweenLine.to( linearGradientFillRect, 4, {
    		    kinetic: {
    			fillLinearGradientStartPoint: [ 0, 0 ],
    			fillLinearGradientEndPoint: [ 200, 0 ],
    			fillLinearGradientColorStops: [ 0, 'blue', 0.5, 'yellow', 1, 'blue' ],
    		} );

    i wondered if it was because these properties are array of values, and particularly the color stop array.

    actually it's even throwing an error on every frame :

    Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Array] has no method 'charAt'


    i then tried this kind of code :

    tweenLine.to( linearGradientFillRect, 4, {
    		    kinetic: {
    			fillLinearGradientStartPoint: ''+[ 0, 0 ],
    			fillLinearGradientEndPoint: ''+[ 200, 0 ],
    			fillLinearGradientColorStops: ''+[ 0, 'blue', 0.5, 'yellow', 1, 'blue' ],
    		} );

    but then it just does nothing.

    what am i missing here ?


    by the way, thx for all the job you done on this api. it's amazing of simplicity and readability !

    really pleasant to discover and dig into this !

    and please, excuse my poor french english !

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