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Everything posted by dpickering

  1. Thanks for sharing those examples, I can see how some of those might be helpful in dealing with the math/rotation of the SVG. I played around with using motionPath for the autoRotate feature and it's getting closer https://codepen.io/dpickering/pen/LYoGpbO If you move your cursor up or down you'll see that each tire track svg isn't following each other by staying on the polyline.
  2. Yes thank you, that will help me get started. I'm wondering if this is the right approach though because next I'll have to figure out how to rotate the SVG elements and currently it's always on the right side of the cursor. I feel like this will be tricky to cover all movements and have it fade in/out as the cursor moves/stops moving. Would you recommend adding some kind of mask to reveal the trail? Is there a way to have the svg's rotate easily based on the movement of the cursor with some kind of svg invisible line/polyline?
  3. Trying to have tire tracks follow the cursor. I'm trying to copy this codepen https://codepen.io/osublake/pen/ezyyzG which has a bunch of circles following the cursor but struggling to get it to work with my own svg elements. Once I get it following the cursor I'll need to figure out a way for it to rotate based on the cursor movement as well but for now I need help understanding why the SVG isn't following the cursor. Open to other suggestions on how to go about this problem as well.
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