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Posts posted by CamiMarie

  1. Hello!


    I am a total beginner and pretty sure this is a super basic question (apologies!), essentially I have directly copied a demo previously made in this thread which I have saved as my own (below). I don't need to alter the code except to change the image which is currently a random unsplash url. How do I change this to a media file uploaded to my wordpress gallery (elementor)?

    I have already tried directly renaming the url in the code below with the url provided in wordpress for the specific image I want to use but that didn't work...


    I don't quite understand how the ScrollTrigger code works in itself so have been deleting / renaming stuff randomly but sadly have not figured it out... @Rodrigo eternally grateful for any help you can provide!

    See the Pen eYaYqWw by CamiMarie (@CamiMarie) on CodePen


    muchas gracias

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