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James WIlk

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Posts posted by James WIlk

  1. I'm wondering how little RAM and GHZ of CPU and GPU Ram would be needed to run an application that is solely GSAP? The application utilizies blurs, and advanced easing that render poorly when out of RAM. The application also runs in Google Chrome.

    Ideas on ideal system requirements? 

  2. Ok that does fix the on completes, but with that I would have to go in and redo all of my animations as the timing is off with all of the staggering.


    I think I am going to have to find a better way to animate my plant image, as the rest of the application is already in a good state and changing this fixed the plant and destroyed everything else lol.



  3. Thanks for taking the time to make that video Carl.


    I understand now what is going on with the Superscrollerama and Greensocks pair.


    What I was trying to do is attach the tree sprite to change at the end of every animation, but as each of those all end at the same time because they are in the same append it wont work.


    I can't put every animation in a new append as that would mean the red covers the screen, then the text comes down etc etc, making the animation much longer (meaning more scrolling) than intended.


    What I think I can do for the staggered approach to the sprite while keeping the animations the same is to use the onStart instead of the onComplete, as I believe each animation would indeed start at a different time because of the 0.5 on the previous animation.


    Am I correct in thinking thats how it would work?




  4. Getting a 404 error on that link. 


    From looking at the code alone it seems that the first 5 tweens should start and end at the same time thus firing their onComplete callbacks in unison.


    Very hard to imagine a situation where 1 tween's onComplete callback doesn't fire until another tween completes like you are suggesting.





    There is no all at once in this application its not possible as its all stepper based animating with superscrollerama.


    And what you say doesn't explain why the other animations fire fine.

  5. That didn't work. SuperScrollerama acts as a stepper for the animations, attaching one pixel scrolled to one frame of animation basically. So it's always paused until you start scrolling.


    All other animations happen no problem, and the first 5 animations happen no problem it's just that the onComplete function's do not fire until the 5th one has finished then all at once console logs complete on all 5.

  6. I have a separate stepped animation that I am using on the onComplete of the TweenMax animations and it works great everywhere except the first 5 animations.


    Here is the code excerpt. The last onComplete will fire causing all previous onComplete's to fire.

    function treeanimation(treeFrame){
    		bgPos = treeFrame*211;
    		$("#plant").css('background-position', '0px -'+bgPos+'px');
    	var controller = $.superscrollorama({})
    	controller.pin($('#slides'), aniDur,{
    		anim: (new TimelineLite())
    			TweenMax.to($('#slide1-bg'), .5, 
    					onComplete: function(){
    					onReverseComplete: function() {
    			TweenMax.to($('#slide1-content'), .5, 
    						display: "none"
    					onComplete: function(){
    					onReverseComplete: function() {
    			TweenMax.to($('#slide1-body'), .5, 
    					onComplete: function(){
    					onReverseComplete: function() {
    			TweenMax.to($('#slide2-content'), .5, 
    					onComplete: function(){
    					onReverseComplete: function() {
    			TweenMax.to($('#slide2'), .5, 
    				onComplete: function(){
    					$("#slide2-nav").html('<img src="img/active-btn.png" alt="Slide 2">')
    				onReverseComplete: function(){
    					$("#slide2-nav").html('<img src="img/inactiv-btn.png" alt="Slide 2">')
    			TweenMax.to($('#slide2'), .5, 
    					onComplete: function(){
    					onReverseComplete: function() {
    			TweenMax.to($('#slide2-content'), .5, 
    						display: "none"
    					onComplete: function(){
    					onReverseComplete: function() {
    			TweenMax.to($('#slide3'), .5, 
    						left: "0%"
    				onComplete: function(){
    					$("#slide2-nav").html('<img src="img/inactiv-btn.png" alt="Slide 2">')
    					$("#slide3-nav").html('<img src="img/active-btn.png" alt="Slide 3">')
    				onReverseComplete: function(){
    					$("#slide3-nav").html('<img src="img/inactiv-btn.png" alt="Slide 3">')
    					$("#slide2-nav").html('<img src="img/active-btn.png" alt="Slide 2">')
    			TweenMax.to($('#slide3-content'), 0.5, 
    						marginLeft: "10%"
    				startAt: {css:
    							marginLeft: "110%"
    					onComplete: function(){
    					onReverseComplete: function() {

    Any Help would be greatly appreciated. This is integrated with SuperScrollerama

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