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August Devices

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Posts posted by August Devices

  1. On 3/3/2023 at 9:23 AM, calvin1988 said:

    Hi everyone.

    I'm working on a video scrub using this example I found in another post, but when I replace the video url with my own video the animation gets laggy and choppy.


    I went through other posts like this:

    As recommended in the post, the video is now at 60FPS and encoded in H.264 format, but it is still choppy on Chrome (it's smooth on Safari).

    Please advise :(



    Getting the TypeScript issue with "this" please help me out.

    fn.apply(this, arguments);


  2. On 8/27/2021 at 2:09 AM, mitchellcliftonbarton said:

    I built this little slider based off of the codepen below, and have added a few tweaks.





    The slider starts automatically, and then on mouseenter/mouseleave the animations pauses or plays. Once paused, you can drag through the carousel as you please, until you mouseleave again at which point the slider will resume playing from where you left off. 


    The only problem I am running into is figuring out the actual progress value once I start dragging. I figured I would have to grab the current progress, and then add the dragging progress to it, but this results in some crazy dragging stuff. 


    Any ideas on how I can seamlessly maintain the correct progress value between the autoplay and the dragging?


    Need this Right <-- Left? what can i do?

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