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Mark Rosenberg

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Posts posted by Mark Rosenberg

  1. Thanks! Files have been deleted. I definitely respect the honor system. Thank you for all your help.


    If I'm being completely honest, and for any future readers, my decision here was mainly because I am taking on more responsibilities with this startup and won't be able to build this all out myself like I had hoped (something I wanted to learn). Nothing to do with GSAP - which seems amazing.

  2. Thanks! I really appreciate the help and my apologies for doing this in the forum... just couldn't contact support any other way.  I would still like to move forward with the refund. 


    Thanks again and my apologies for being a pain...

  3. @GSAP Helper, I am actually looking to cancel my account and get a refund for my purchase. I can't get through via the Contact page, I keep getting errors. Can you put me in touch with someone who can take care of this?

  4. Plugging SVG's directly into React/NextJS throws this error:


      × JSX Namespace is disabled by default because react does not support it yet. You can specify jsc.transform.react.throwIfNamespace to false to override default behavior


    I think the solution is to convert the SVG into JSX syntax using something like SVGR. This is what I get after converting it to JSX. Which <path> node would I target for morphing?


    viewBox="0 0 1024.5 576"
    <clipPath id="a">
    <path d="M16.652 11.246h991.016v553.227H16.652Zm0 0" />
    <clipPath id="b">
    <path d="M63.879 11.246h896.234a47.226 47.226 0 0 1 47.227 47.227v459.054c0 26.082-21.145 47.227-47.227 47.227H63.88c-26.082 0-47.227-21.145-47.227-47.227V58.473c0-26.082 21.145-47.227 47.227-47.227Zm0 0" />
    <g clipPath="url(#a)">
    <g clipPath="url(#b)">
    d="M63.879 11.246h896.234a47.226 47.226 0 0 1 47.227 47.227v459.054c0 26.082-21.145 47.227-47.227 47.227H63.88c-26.082 0-47.227-21.145-47.227-47.227V58.473c0-26.082 21.145-47.227 47.227-47.227Zm0 0"
  5. I'm fairly new to this, so hopefully this isn't too basic, but how do I use SVG Morph in NextJS when using the next/image component? 


    Here is a copy of the code I am working with. Don't exactly know how to set up a demo or anything. Any insight would be amazing. Thanks!

    Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 6.53.33 PM.png

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