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Posts posted by Muggins

  1. Hi there. I have a project where in, the parent component is moved xPercent: 100% as the user scrolls. Inside that component are children components that I would like to add animations on based on the location of the left and right side of the element in relation to the left and right side of the screen (rather then start: top top end: bottom bottom I want start:left left end: right left ) I know in order to do this I need to provide the child component a "containerAnimation" (key) : "animationFromParentComponent" (value). My problem is that I can not seem to figure out how to pass my timeline (container animation) from the parent to the child successfully.  I think because the prop is passed to the child on first render it is null. I am passing "newTimeline" as a prop to section_hero child component to use as a container animation.  Any help would be awesome!


    Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 10.22.58 AM.png

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