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Posts posted by MikelTheSaiyan

  1. No, I'm sorry, I worded that wrong. As soon as I scroll within the container, the text should be replaced by fade in/out, as it already happens correctly in the example.

    However, if I am above the container, the last active element should remain visible. In this case, the text of the 1st element.

    It currently disappears when I scroll out of the container.

  2. Thank you very much for the answer and the updated demo.

    Basically, that's what I'm looking for. As you have already noticed, I still have HTML/CSS problems that I have to solve somehow.
    Another problem I notice with the demo is that the text disappears if the scroll position is outside the section with the "container" class.
    Is it possible not to hide the last active text as soon as I leave the section, whether above or below?
    The text should only update when I switch from one image to the next.

  3. Hello everyone,
    This is my first time writing in this forum and I have only recently started using GSAP.

    I have a requirement in a project and am stuck. I hope you can help me.


    Similar to the codpen example below, I have a vertical image slider. Each image also has a text, which can be of different lengths.

    As in the example mentioned, I would like the text to be displayed or exchanged for the corresponding image. In addition, however, the image should run across the entire width of the screen and the text should be positioned centrally above it.


    So that the text can always be read, it should also have a white background, which should be fixed in the middle.


    Do you have any ideas on how I can implement this with GSAP?




    See the Pen 34482ffeae2fb5872d117934fcff705c by akapowl (@akapowl) on CodePen

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