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Posts posted by isitayush

  1. Hi @mvaneijgen! Thank you so much. I've was able to follow the example and set up my own code with horizontal scroll. I ultimately wanted exactly that but I did not knew how to achieve it therefore I resorted to the inner container scrollbar. I still have slight trouble understanding how it came together. In my perspective, We first create a timeline with a scroll trigger. The trigger points to the outer  <div /> element.  I assume trigger is what tells gsap that "Hey! Use the scrollbar for the entire wrapped content" and thereby outer div acts as a wrapper. Then we're binding two different tweens to the same trigger through timeline. (Both of them play at the same time as they aren't delayed.)

    - First Tween moves the <main /> element to left (-4000px in this case).

    - Second Tween moves the car on the path via MotionPathPlugin.


    The part which I don't understand is the -4000px - current_screen.width. How should I calculate it if let's say I have an svg whose properties are as follow's & How do I tell gsap about it? (Should I just swap the value instead of 4000?). Let me also know if I'm wrong for any of the above as I'm still piecing this in my head.

    	viewBox="0 0 6000 600"
    	preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"


  2. Hi! I've been trying to use gsap scroll trigger & motion path plugin in combination. I'm trying to create a horizontal path scroller but on an inner container that overflows which I think should've made the inner container as the trigger. Somehow gsap refuses to work when I set the `sc-trigger` class on the container that overflows. I'm not sure if what I'm doing somewhat wrong.

    - Goal: I want to use the inner scrollbar to move the car across the path instead of the window scrollbar. 

    - nextjs-gsap repro: https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-j4gryt?file=app%2Fpage.tsx

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