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Posts posted by chillypills

  1. Hello everyone,


    I'm currently facing an issue on a website that features a horizontally scrolling section. I've set up the site so that when a user clicks on a year from a menu, the page correctly scrolls to the corresponding element in the horizontal scroll section. However, after this scroll occurs and the target is reached, if the user attempts to manually scroll again, the scroll position automatically jumps back to where it was before the menu item was clicked.


    Here is a brief overview of the technologies and setup:

    • JavaScript Libraries: I'm using GSAP for animations, with plugins like ScrollToPlugin and ScrollTrigger. Additionally, I'm integrating Swiper for swipe functionalities and Lenis for smooth scrolling effects.
    • Behavior: Upon clicking a year in the menu, GSAP's ScrollToPlugin does its job to bring the target element into view. After reaching the target, any new user-initiated scroll action causes the page to revert to the original scroll position.
    • Expected Behavior: The scroll position should remain at the new location after scrolling to the target, and any further manual scrolling should be based on this new position.

    I suspect there might be an issue with how the scroll position state is managed after a programmatic scroll, or perhaps there's a conflict between GSAP's scroll handling and Lenis's smooth scrolling. I've tried managing the update cycles of Lenis and ensuring the GSAP animations are synchronized with it, but the issue persists. I have also experimented with using flags and various methods to lock the scroll position temporarily, but nothing has resolved the issue so far.


    I'm doing it in Webflow so you can see the problem here: https://las-vidas-que-nos-dejaron.webflow.io/

      let isScrollingToYear = false // Add this line at the beginning of your script
      let horizontalItem = $('.horizontal-item')
      let horizontalSection = $('.horizontal-section')
      let moveDistance
      // Declare a variable to store the last scroll position
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
      let lastScrollPosition = 0
      function calculateScroll() {
        // Desktop
        let itemsInView = 4
        let scrollSpeed = 3
        if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 479px)').matches) {
          // Mobile Portrait
          itemsInView = 1
          scrollSpeed = 1.2
        } else if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 767px)').matches) {
          // Mobile Landscape
          itemsInView = 1
          scrollSpeed = 1.2
        } else if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 991px)').matches) {
          // Tablet
          itemsInView = 2
          scrollSpeed = 1.2
        let moveAmount = horizontalItem.length - itemsInView
        let minHeight =
          scrollSpeed * horizontalItem.outerWidth() * horizontalItem.length
        if (moveAmount <= 0) {
          moveAmount = 0
          minHeight = 0
          // horizontalSection.css('height', '100vh');
        } else {
          horizontalSection.css('height', '200vh')
        moveDistance = horizontalItem.outerWidth() * moveAmount
        horizontalSection.css('min-height', minHeight + 'px')
      window.onresize = function () {
      let tl = gsap.timeline({
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: '.horizontal-trigger',
          start: 'top top',
          end: 'bottom top',
          markers: false,
          invalidateOnRefresh: true,
          scrub: 1,
      tl.to('.horizontal-section .list', {
        x: () => -moveDistance,
        duration: 1,

    And function to scroll to the element with the given year and month ID (years menu)

     // Function to scroll to the element with the given year and month ID
      function scrollToYear(year, month) {
        const targetId = `#year-${year}-${month}`
        const targetElement = $(targetId)
        if (targetElement.length) {
          // Set the flag to true
          isScrollingToYear = true
          console.log('Is scrolling to year enabled?', isScrollingToYear)
          // Calculate the target scroll position
          const scrollX = targetElement.position().left
          console.log('Target scroll position:', scrollX)
          // Log the current scroll position
            'Current scroll position:',
            $('.horizontal-section .list').position().left
          // Save the current scroll position
          lastScrollPosition = $('.horizontal-section .list').position().left
          // Animate the horizontal scroll to the target element's X position
          gsap.to('.horizontal-section .list', {
            x: () => -scrollX,
            duration: 3,
            ease: 'power3.inOut',
            onUpdate: Lenis.update, // Assuming lenis.update is the method that needs to be called on update
            onComplete: () => {
                `Smoothly scrolled to the year: ${year} and month: ${month}`
              // Remove --is-active class from any other elements that might have it
              $('.horizontal-section .list .--is-active').removeClass('--is-active')
              // Add --is-active class to the target element
              // Format the month to have two digits
              const formattedMonth = month.toString().padStart(2, '0')
              // Find the corresponding .horizontal-month-item and add the --is-active class
              const targetMonthItem = $(
              if (targetMonthItem.length) {
              // Update the sticky title
              gsap.to('.sticky_title', {
                duration: 0.2,
                autoAlpha: 0,
                onComplete: function () {
                  gsap.to('.sticky_title', { duration: 1.5, autoAlpha: 1 })
                  // Log the current scroll position after the animation
                    'Current scroll position after animation:',
                    $('.horizontal-section .list').position().left
                  // Set the flag back to false
                  isScrollingToYear = false
                  console.log('isScrollingToYear enabled?', isScrollingToYear)
                  // Update the move distance directly
                  moveDistance = -$('.horizontal-section .list').position().left
        } else {
          alert(`No element found with ID: ${targetId}`)
          console.error(`No element found with ID: ${targetId}`)


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