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Tal Kleiner

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  1. ok yeah so the problem in my project is that the container is overflow: hidden, position: relative https://stackblitz.com/edit/nextjs-x4kkrj?file=styles%2Fglobals.css I edited your solution with my css of the container if I put height 100%, it will obviously not scroll what are my options? it's not a new project so I don't see me changing the overflow: hidden to something else, is there a workaround it?
  2. here is the demo that doesn't work: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nextjs-xu9wek?file=pages%2Findex.js I copied the demo from https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/mdVEpKK in my local machine it's the same problem, for some reason there's a height: 0px, max-height: 0px how do I make the sprite animation on scrolltrigger work?
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