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Posts posted by dingkai031

  1. Hello lovely communities of GSAP, I'm new with GSAP. I need help, 

    As you can see the previous element in the demo, it is moving on scroll. What I expect is the previous element stay as the "scroll trigger" triggered and not getting out of view port. By the previous element, I mean the one with background red and also the animated element height need to stay the same.


    Is this normal? or is there any method that I need to adjust? 

    Thank you

    See the Pen vYPVLbx by dingkai031 (@dingkai031) on CodePen

  2. Hello lovely community of gsap 💌, I'm new with gsap I hope that someone can help me.

    So, my problem is. In my container there is 2 part of div, the first one show directly and the second one only show  if the user scroll more to the bottom.

    But the second one doesn't show fully, only half of it.


    And I want the second one to be fully shows.


    Thank you

    See the Pen Jjxwxdp by dingkai031 (@dingkai031) on CodePen

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