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Posts posted by olr

  1. However, I can't quite deal with it, I guess my problem is that I will always have a view of 100vh and the content that needs to be scrolled will fill its center. I wasn't able to transfer your examples to my project, as if another tab was always added before the entire content was shown. I need to stop the tab if the content is on scroll and move the text in the middle of the window to the very bottom. If you could take a look it would be great, I've tried many times and I could never show all the content before the next tab. I keep fighting and this is just an example of what I mean:

    See the Pen LYqMGWj by Rafa-Olejarz-the-flexboxer (@Rafa-Olejarz-the-flexboxer) on CodePen

  2. thanks for your answers!
    I updated my code (codepen in the first entry)
    Yes, sliding seems to be a better idea than scrolling, but I can't achieve it. Basically I can't achieve two things:

    1. Scrolling/moving the content itself - when I tried to do this, I was moving the entire element, not its content.
    2. I don't know how to stop the next tab from entering until the content moves to the bottom

    For example, I added opacity there, it ends when the next tab is at the top, I would like the opacity to be done on scrolling to 0 and only then the next tab appears.
    Ultimately, it is not supposed to be about opacity, but about moving/scrolling the content down.




  3. I found a card solution that suits me and I'm trying to expand it. In each of my cards there will be a large amount of text that is scrollable.
    Is it possible to connect this general scroll to also scroll the content with text before moving to the next tab?
    Scrolls down for card1 -> scrolls .card-content of card1 -> enters card2 -> scrolls .card-content of card 2 -> enters card 3.....

    See the Pen LYqJXej by Rafa-Olejarz-the-flexboxer (@Rafa-Olejarz-the-flexboxer) on CodePen

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