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Posts posted by kamalhosen

  1. I'm aiming to create an engaging user experience where a phone button starts off hidden and smoothly reveals itself as the user scrolls down from the top. Additionally, I'd like the button to gracefully expand in size from a dot to a fixed position at the bottom right of the page.


              <div className="md:flex-none underline dark:text-white">
                <p className="font-recoleta font-bold text-[30px] leading-[40.8px]">
                <p className="uto-regular-h6 capitalize">customer</p>
              <h1 className="page-header lg:ml-[50px] xl:ml-[131px] font-normal dark:text-white">
                <span className="uppercase font-normal lg:text-[85px] lg:leading-[100px] font-uto xl:text-uto-h1 md:text-uto-h2 text-[36px]">
                  we create
                  <br /> amazing digital
                </span>{" "}
                <span className="capitalize lg:text-recolate-h1 font-recoleta block text-recolate-h3  font-normal">
                  <span className="opacity-50">experiences</span>
                  <span className="text-awe-red">.</span> {/*dot*/}
              <div className="iconContainer fixed bottom-[5%] right-[5%] z-[9999] opacity-0">
                <button className="w-12 h-12 lg:w-[100px] lg:h-[100px] bg-white flex justify-center items-center rounded-[50%] shadow-2xl mr-4 lg:mr-0 group/phone hover:bg-awe-red group duration-200">
                  <span className="">
                      viewBox="0 0 40 40"
                        d="M21.6667 3.75C20.9763 3.75 20.4167 4.30964 20.4167 5C20.4167 5.69036 20.9763 6.25 21.6667 6.25C23.2535 6.25 24.8247 6.56254 26.2908 7.16979C27.7568 7.77703 29.0888 8.66708 30.2109 9.78913C31.3329 10.9112 32.223 12.2432 32.8302 13.7092C33.4375 15.1753 33.75 16.7465 33.75 18.3333C33.75 19.0237 34.3096 19.5833 35 19.5833C35.6904 19.5833 36.25 19.0237 36.25 18.3333C36.25 16.4182 35.8728 14.5219 35.1399 12.7525C34.407 10.9832 33.3328 9.37555 31.9786 8.02136C30.6245 6.66717 29.0168 5.59297 27.2475 4.86009C25.4781 4.12721 23.5818 3.75 21.6667 3.75ZM35 31.6667V28.9234C35 27.5604 34.1702 26.3347 32.9046 25.8285L29.5144 24.4724C27.9048 23.8286 26.0703 24.526 25.295 26.0766L25 26.6667C25 26.6667 20.8333 25.8333 17.5 22.5C14.1667 19.1667 13.3333 15 13.3333 15L13.9234 14.705C15.474 13.9297 16.1714 12.0952 15.5276 10.4856L14.1715 7.09537C13.6653 5.82984 12.4396 5 11.0766 5H8.33333C6.49238 5 5 6.49238 5 8.33333C5 23.0609 16.9391 35 31.6667 35C33.5076 35 35 33.5076 35 31.6667ZM20.4167 11.6667C20.4167 10.9763 20.9763 10.4167 21.6667 10.4167C22.7063 10.4167 23.7357 10.6214 24.6962 11.0193C25.6567 11.4171 26.5295 12.0003 27.2646 12.7354C27.9997 13.4705 28.5829 14.3433 28.9807 15.3038C29.3786 16.2643 29.5833 17.2937 29.5833 18.3333C29.5833 19.0237 29.0237 19.5833 28.3333 19.5833C27.643 19.5833 27.0833 19.0237 27.0833 18.3333C27.0833 17.622 26.9432 16.9176 26.671 16.2605C26.3988 15.6033 25.9998 15.0062 25.4968 14.5032C24.9938 14.0002 24.3967 13.6012 23.7395 13.329C23.0824 13.0568 22.378 12.9167 21.6667 12.9167C20.9763 12.9167 20.4167 12.357 20.4167 11.6667Z"
                        className="fill-awe-red group-hover/phone:fill-white"


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