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Posts posted by dawoodtrumboo

  1. Hi Everyone,
    I recently recieved a project for a tour and travels website. I was scrolling through many design and thought of creating a parallax website with 3D models, but I haven't created any up until now. So I needed some suggestions on how to start and where to get the resources.
    Also, will there be any performance issues when hosting the website. (Website is not Dynamic, More like a Gallery type for an agency). 

    How do I optimize the performance of the website while building it?

    What thinks should I be aware of?
    Any suggestions will be helpful.

    Thank You.

  2. So I have created a component transition animation which works perfectly fine on local machine but when i deploy the website on vercel, the animation is very slow. Is there some way to optimize the animation?


    import React,{useEffect}from 'react'
    import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';
    import { locationBg } from '../../assets'
    import useLocationContext from '../../hooks/useLocationContext';
    import { gsap } from 'gsap';
    import MobileFrame from './MobileFrame';
    const Location = () => {
        const navigate = useNavigate();
          // Destructing variables from the Location Context
        const { data,setData, setHasSearched, setInputValue, setSelectedCountry } = useLocationContext();
        useEffect(() => {
          const tl = gsap.timeline();
          // Animate the Location component
            { opacity: 50, y: 1200 }, // From
            { opacity: 1, y: 0, duration: 1, ease: 'power3.out' } // To
          // Animate the MobileFrame component
            { x: '-600%', opacity: 20 }, 
            { x: '0%', opacity: 1, duration: 1.8, ease: 'bounce.out' }, 
        { y: '400%', opacity: 0 }, 
        { y: '0%', opacity: 1, duration: 1, ease: 'bounce.out' }, 
        }, []);
        // This useEffect is used for handling error on the location page
        useEffect(() => {
            if (!data) {
            return () => {
        }, [data, navigate, setHasSearched]);
    //  This function is handling the reset Button
        const handleReset = () => {
      return (
        <div className='LocationAnimationClass overflow-hidden relative h-screen flex flex-col gap-[30px] md:gap-[40px] xl:gap-[20px] 2xl:gap-[90px] justify-center items-center bg-cover bg-center'
        style={{backgroundImage: `url(${locationBg})`}}>
        <div className='bg-black w-full h-full bg-opacity-30 absolute top-0 left-0'></div>
          <div className='MobileFrameClass'>
              className="ButtonAnimationClass bg-[#33c2cc] px-10 py-3 rounded-full font-noto-sans font-semibold text-3xl z-10 text-white"
    export default Location


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