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Posts posted by MarcoCuel

  1. Hello everyone,

    I'm encountering an issue with the SplitText library. When I apply SplitText to elements with position sticky or use the pin feature of ScrollTrigger, the animation freezes and only resumes upon returning. I believe this may be related to toggleActions, but I'm not sure how to resolve it properly.


    Has anyone encountered this problem before or have any suggestions on how I can effectively work around it?


    I appreciate any help or suggestions in advance.


    Thank you, Marco


    Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 4.38.08 PM.png

    See the Pen YzMNGoG by MarcoCuel (@MarcoCuel) on CodePen

  2. 8 hours ago, mvaneijgen said:

    Hi @MarcoCuel welcome to the forum!


    Do you maybe have a minimal demo demonstrating the issue you're trying to solve? This feels like the classic X Y problem https://xyproblem.info, you've thought of a solution to fix your problem, but you have not explained us what the issue is you're trying to solve. 


    There is reversed https://gsap.com/docs/v3/GSAP/Timeline/reversed()/, but I love to know what the issue is so we can help find a solution. 

    Here is a demonstration of what I'm trying to do

    See the Pen bGZKVNq by MarcoCuel (@MarcoCuel) on CodePen

  3. Hey folks!
    I've been checking out the GSAP documentation and got a question.
    Do you know if there's an equivalent to .onReverseComplete(), but for the start of the animation? Like, when the animation kicks off but in reverse mode?

    If anyone knows anything about this or has any ideas on how to make it work, I'd really appreciate the help!


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