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  1. Abarth's post in Zooming into a bitmap was marked as the answer   
    Based on PointC's reply, this is now solved, what a feeling See below!
    Now I strongly believe this should work, however it doesen't, but the console.log shows I'm right?! :S
    The predefined value from PointC works to some extend, but the problem is I need this to be dynamic,
    I don't know ahead of time the 4 values of x, y, width, height, but the end result is the same, TweenMax just
    doesen't seem to agree with me
    Predefined console.log: "20 100 50 50"    <- Works
    Dynamic console.log: "20 100 50 50" <- Doesen't work ?!?!?!?!!
    //// SOLVED /////
    The above problem was caused by the " signs, now the console log shows the content of the attr as a string, but really they aren't,
    so when I instead of focusing on placing real numbers within a string, did this:
    var passerString = l + " " + t + " " + w + " " + h;
    and NOT like this
    var passerString = '"' + l + ' ' + t + ' ' + w + ' ' + h + '"';
    It worked. (Dynamicly)
    $(document).ready(function() { // TweenMax.js, jQUery.js, Skinny.js -> clientRect() TweenMax.set("#theSVG", {xPercent:-50, left:"50%"}); var hasBeenClicked = false; $('.tileBox').click(function(e) { var element = $(this).clientRect(); var tween = TweenMax.to("#theSVG", 1, { attr:{ viewBox:getValues(element) }, paused:true, ease:Sine.easeInOut }).reverse(); tween.reversed() ? tween.play() : tween.reverse(); hasBeenClicked = true; }); function getValues(element) { var l = element.left; var t = element.top; var w = element.width; var h = element.height; //var passerString = '"' + l + ' ' + t + ' ' + w + ' ' + h + '"'; var passerString = l + " " + t + " " + w + " " + h; console.log(passerString); return passerString; } });
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