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Posts posted by WillH

  1. Thank you @Rodrigo!

    Understanding the preferred syntax GSAP wants to loop through this stuff is very helpful.


    One last question for you. In my markup I have a placeholder section, then the "A" slides, then another placeholder, then the "B" slides, then a final placeholder. But in your codepen the 2nd and 3rd placeholders seem to never show and the B slides play directly after the A slides. Any idea what's going on there?

  2. Hello 👋

    I'm new to GSAP/Scrolltrigger and trying to wrap my head around things still. So I apologize if this is a glaringly obvious rookie mistake.


    I'm trying to modify the

    See the Pen BaowPwo by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

    basic example into a re-usable module (to understand how to use Scrolltrigger for more than just one-offs).


    I have a "one-off" working example here:

    See the Pen zYyWpge by willhenderson (@willhenderson) on CodePen

    ScrollTrigger.defaults({ scroller: "#custom-scroll-container" });
    gsap.to("[data-slide]:not(:last-child)", {
    	ease: "none",
    	scrollTrigger: {
    		end: "+=300%",
    		pin: true,
    		scrub: true,
    		start: "top top",
    		trigger: "[data-module-stackedslides]"
    	stagger: 0.5,
    	yPercent: -100
    gsap.set("[data-slide]", {zIndex: (i, target, targets) => targets.length - i});


    But when I try to apply this logic more dynamically (and to more than one element) things fall apart and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong:

    ScrollTrigger.defaults({ scroller: "#custom-scroll-container" });
    let stacked_slides_modules = document.querySelectorAll('[data-module-stackedslides]');
    stacked_slides_modules.forEach((module) => {
    	let slides = module.querySelectorAll('[data-slide]:not(:last-child)');
    	let end_spacing = 100 * slides.length;
    	slides.forEach((slide) => {
    		gsap.to(slide, {
    			ease: "none",
    			scrollTrigger: {
    				end: "+=" + end_spacing + "%",
    				pin: true,
    				scrub: true,
    				start: "top top",
    				trigger: module
    			stagger: 0.5,
    			yPercent: -100

    Note: I'm setting the z-index inline in the style attribute on the "dynamic" version just for expediency in setting up the test (as I hadn't figured out how to handle that in the forEach yet).


    Thank you for any insight you can offer.

    See the Pen ZEVxrqd by willhenderson (@willhenderson) on CodePen

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