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Posts posted by dmytro.kuz

  1. Rodrigo, wow, cool. Thank you for this advice. It helped me a lot.

    I am almost at the goal of what I wanted. 


    I am not yet experienced enough with gsap library, so don't be too strict with me 😅. Therefore, I hope for one more advice.

    Last question. I really need to make it possible to scroll this slider using two-finger horizontall scroll on a trackpad and/or using horizontal mouse-wheel scroll.
    But due to transformX, which is set in draggable, the behavior with such scrolling is incorrect. Is it also possible to combine such behavior with the existing one?

    Example with overflow: scroll -  

    See the Pen QWzozjE by Dmytro-Kuz (@Dmytro-Kuz) on CodePen

  2. 1 hour ago, Rodrigo said:



    I'm not seeing any issues with the Draggable instance in your codepen demo. Are you sure that the demo is actually reproducing the problem you're seeing?


    The demo doesn't have any scroll whatsoever so the instances with the ScrollTo Plugin are doing nothing actually 🤷‍♂️


    Happy Tweening!

    Maybe I wasn't clear enough.  (video demo - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZnDO9o_fwEqNcgsame21g4M2xSOeaeud/view?usp=sharing)
    To reproduce my problem, you need to drag the slider somewhere in the middle and click on some box (for example, 12). After that, try to drag again to the beginning. In this case, it will not be possible to drag to 1 box (or even to 2 and 3). Sometimes there is a behavior that after that actions dragging to the left is not available at all.
    Regarding the ScrollTo Plugin, it is needed to move the slide that was clicked to the middle of the slider.

  3. Hi guys. I'm using similar logic in my application and need to create a draggable slider with the ability to go to selected pages.
    I made a simplified version of my app logic in this demo. Dragging works fine until I go to some page. After that, my bounds break and I can't drag the slider to the first pages, or sometimes scrolling to the left stops working altogether (in my app case).
    Please help to solve this problem.
    Also thanks for the good product and support.

    See the Pen poqQWWJ by Dmytro-Kuz (@Dmytro-Kuz) on CodePen

  4. Hi guys. I'm trying to achieve something similar to this sample

    See the Pen yLbOwOa by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

    But optimize it for my example.
    I need to set the ability to scroll the scrollbar by dragging and after releasing it to move by inertia (something similar to scrolling on mobile devices). But a problem arises and my elements start to overlap each other so the behavior becomes incorrect. Maybe you can tell me what is wrong with my js code?

    See the Pen XWoxvvd?editors=0011 by Dmytro-Kuz (@Dmytro-Kuz) on CodePen

  5. Hey guys!

    First of all, I would like to thank you for such a great product.


    Is it possible to achieve such a case that the text is returned with the initial styles and structure specified in html and css when un-scramble?
    For example, I have a complex initial structure in an HTML element (with many divs, span, etc.) and different CSS styles: 



    Can I use the scramble plugin to return to this structure from the encrypted structure? Or you can advise me how to achieve the desired result

    • I want to achieve :


    scrumbled text











    • What I achieved in fact: 


    scrumbled text









    See the Pen xxmYxmJ?editors=0010 by Dmytro-Kuz (@Dmytro-Kuz) on CodePen

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