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GNR, ACDC last won the day on June 17 2013

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Posts posted by GNR, ACDC

  1. Is it possible to measure time that took one tween or few tween in some timeline?


    I know for duration method but it returns time of a whole timeline, and I need time of one tween or few in timeline. Or it would be good to get time from one label to another.


    Is it possible, I have searched in documentation but couldn't find anything other than duration method.

  2. Well my current progress has to many code lines and it's not in English so it would not be of a too much help.

    Anyway I'm trying to do something and I'll report my progress later.


    I have tried getLabelTime but it seems to not be working. Firebug says

    ReferenceError: getLabelTime is not defined

    My line looks like this:

    label_time = getLabelTime('label1');

    Have they removed it from GSAP or am I doing something wrong?

  3. Yes, that is clear, but I'm looking for a solution where you could add another timeline into the parent timeline so it doesn't affect any further adding to parent's timeline. The problem with the above example is that I have to add more things to parent masterTL after I add tn1 to 'label1' and when I do that it waits for that tn1 timeline to finish before playing newly added tweens. The reason I have to add more after is loops which change some variables that would enable me to add it later.


    So basically I'm looking for a way to just start some other timeline at the label of masterTL without actually adding it to the masterTL. I don't know is it even possible?


    If this isn't possible this could be a good idea for developers to think about, to add let's say 'skip' properties which when set to true would animate that tween but would immediately start next tween in timeline.

  4. Hey, here's me again :)


    Ok, I thought your example would be good to me but when I played with it a little it doesn't do what I want. Let me explain, here's the code you gave me:

    See the Pen GyFfr by rhernando (@rhernando) on CodePen

    and it works fine, but here's just one small adjustment and it's not good for my situation:

    See the Pen yfsaj by anon (@anon) on CodePen


    the problem here is that last element waits for first to finish.


    So, is it possible to just add some tween or timeline to existing timeline at a certain point (with label) so that inserted tween or timeline don't mess with the next items to be inserted.

    Or could you just use the time of a label and start some other tween/timeline at that time. Hopefully you have understood me.


  5. Woa, tnx you very much Rodrigo. Tnx for your effort and time.

    I'm gonna try now to build my application with this new knowledege, and hopefully I won't get stucked anymore.

    I like this idea of nesting as many timelines as I want, and I'm gonna try to work around thist to see what happens.

    I'll post in this thread when I finish work, and maybe even do some tutorial on this, we'll see when I finish. Cheers

  6. I have one more question. Is it possible to start 2 tweens at the same time, and then next tween in timeline that should go to animate him when faster of thees 2 finishes. Here's an example:

    tl = new TimelineMax();
    tl.to(name1, 1, {some properties});
    tl.to(name2, 5, {some properties});
    tl.to(name3, 1, {some properties});
    tl.to(name4, 1, {some properties});
    tl.to(name100, 1, {some properties});

    So basically I want tweens for selectors name2 and name3 to start at the same time, and then I want when name3 finishes that timeline continues with name4, name5 etc normally, while it is 

    simultaneously playing tween2 which lasts for 5 seconds.


    I could do it by adding relative labels to all tweens after tween 3 but it seems to me there is easier way.

    And I could do it with callback from 1st tween but that's not the option (because I'm using loops and all variables change even before 1st tween finishes).

    • Like 1
  7. Tnx for reply. :)

    Yes, that's what i thought. Just a few elements (small pictures) that are being animated from one box to another. Each small picture respresents process.

    My graphic idea currently accepts from 1 to 10 processes.

    Here's how it looks like, but it's just for now, those strange arrows I made in paint represent path for processes.

    Here's the picture: http://s16.postimg.org/k7i84nudh/exa.png


    My idea is that for each process algorithm generates random numbers. Those numbers are how long the process stays in CPU and how long process stays in waiting queue. And one more number is how many times process needs to get something from memory before we can terminate it.


    And yes, it should animate same element more then once, let's say for example that there are 2 processes. While 1st is in CPU, 2nd is waiting in ready queue. When 1st leaves CPU it goes to waiting queue where it waits and goes back in ready queue (how many times this repeats is random). Also when 1st leaves CPU 2nd one goes there and so on.


    My biggest problem here is how to synchronize everything, for example, how to continue running simulation while processes are waiting in waiting queue.


    Hope you could just give me some tips on how to do this.

  8. Hello everyone, let me say at the beginning that this is a fantastic animation platform, since I've been only working a little bit with jquery animate, this is way easier to work with, good job. :)


    And now here comes my problem. So I'm trying to make a CPU scheduling animation, pretty much the same thing as here on this link: http://courses.cs.vt.edu/csonline/OS/Lessons/Processes/index.html


    My problem here is that I'm not really sure can this even be done.


    So let's say I have 10 processes which are represented as a small images, and animation is just moving those images across screen, nothing to fancy.


    My idea is very simple and it goes like this:

      - take process from ready queue and animate it to the CPU

      - there wait for few seconds and animate it to waiting queue

      - there also wait for few second and animate it back to waiting queue

      - repeat this untill all processes are finished (bool variable)


    Ofcourse when one process finishes in CPU other from ready queue is comming in.

    And when process is in waiting queue, the rest of simulation should be running.


    So if I wouldn't have waiting queue this would be very easy animation to do, but with it in game it gives me troubles.


    My possible solution to this would be using 2 timelines, one which would animate processes in ready queue and to the CPU, and other timeline which would animate them from CPU to the waiting queue and back to the ready queue. The problem is I'm not sure how to do it.


    Can anybody give me some tips or link to some tutorial where something similar is done, it would be much help. Tnx

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