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Posts posted by johndunking

  1. 2 hours ago, Rodrigo said:



    It would be good to know what type of framework you are using (React, Vue, Svelte, etc.) in order to get a better grasp of the situation. I assume that in development mode on your local machine everything is working OK. Have you tried creating a production build of your app and test it on your local machine? Also what bundling system are you using, Webpack, Vite, other?


    Finally, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that Github pages don't work in the way providers like Netlify, Vercel, etc. do, meaning that when you create a new push to the repo, the app is not build and created, but that is something you have to do on your own. Honestly I haven't used GH pages a lot so I couldn't really tell, since the few times I've done it I created the gh-pages branch and push the files to make everything work by hand and not using some sort of package or CI/CD pipeline.


    Happy Tweening!

    Thank you for the support I was able to fix by changing my BrowserRouter to HashRouter. 

  2. Thanks Jack I just rebuilt the whole project and so there is no trial error. Does anyone know why my git hub page is blank? Do I need to link my scsss and JavaScript files into the index.html. I can’t seem to figure out why it’s not loading the page. Any support would be greatly appreciated!

  3. Whoops I had no idea that I would be giving away that file! I will definitely make it private as soon as I get it running correctly. So I ran npm start -- --reset-cache and I am still getting the oops trial version error. Is there a specific way I need to clear the cache in this instance? I looked through all of my code and there is no gsap trial files left that I can see. If anyone knows how I can effectively clear the cache please let me know.


    I appreciate the support! 

  4. Hello,


    I am a new Greensock member. I was previously using gsap-trial drawSVGPulgin in my react application. When attempting to deploy the application GitHub pages, I was greeted with the message: Oops a trial version of gasp DrawSVGPlugin deployed. I registered as a green sock member, installed gsap and registered the plugin as follows. I uninstalled the trial version from my app and I am still getting the error. Here is a link: [removed] to my GitHub page code.


    Additionally I am getting a blank page when I go to my website link. I am unsure of whether this is a problem with sap or my code. 


    If anyone could provide me with guidance in resolving this issue it would be greatly appreciated!

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