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  1. Hysteresis's post in Timelines not working in Firefox 35.0.1 was marked as the answer   
    Hi Carl, thanks for your reply. I understand, that is why I provided the code in question within the post.
    At any rate, I figured out what was causing the problem. If I move the timeline into .click(function() then it works fine. No idea why that would be a problem, but I got it resolved.
    var popover1 = new TimelineMax({paused: true}); $("#overlay20Link, #dotNav2 .page20").click(function(){ popover1.fromTo('#glow1', .3, {autoAlpha:0}, {autoAlpha:1}) .fromTo('#glow1', .2, {autoAlpha:1}, {autoAlpha:.3}) .fromTo('#glow1', .2, {autoAlpha:.3}, {autoAlpha:1}) .to('#glow1', .2, {autoAlpha:0}) .to('#baseImage1', 0.4, {autoAlpha: 0.3}) .fromTo('.col-9', .4, {background:'rgba(180, 180, 180, 0.0)'}, {background:'rgba(180, 180, 180, 1.0)'}) .fromTo('#popover1', .8, {autoAlpha:.15, scale: 0.08, x: 679, y: 174}, {autoAlpha:1, scale: 1, x: 0, y: 0}) .to('#stopBtn', .2, {autoAlpha:1, scale: 1.5, delay: .5, transformOrigin:"center center"}) .to('#stopBtn', .2, {autoAlpha:0, scale: 1, delay: .5, transformOrigin:"center center"}) .to('#stopBtn', .2, {autoAlpha:1, scale: 1.5}) .to('#stopBtn', .2, {autoAlpha:0, scale: 1, delay: .5, transformOrigin:"center center"}); popover1.restart(); });
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