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Posts posted by kimtasker

  1. So I reproduced the bounce effect - or something similar - with a series of individual tweens, as suggested, and I am quite pleased with the result. Thank you so much for your help with this project I've been working on.


    I thought you might be interested in the final result, so here's a demo

    You'll notice I also got LoaderMax in there with no problem at all.


    Thanks also for the additional info, I'll try using those advancements in the future.

    This was the first time I use GSAP for animation, so I wasn't aware of all the features. No doubt I'll continue using it !

  2. Nice ! Thanks again Carl !
    I solved most of my problems using fromtTo(), I don't know why, but I thought it was a tweenMax method exclusively.
    I'm almost done now, but I have one last issue with overlapping tweens
    TweenLite.fromTo(lolo, 3.3, {x:-263}, {x:250, ease:Bounce.easeOut}),
    TweenLite.fromTo(bebey, 3.3, {x:800}, {x:350, ease:Bounce.easeOut})
    new TweenLite(lolo, 0.2 , {x:400, y:500, scaleX:0, scaleY:0, ease:Quad.easeOut}),
    new TweenLite(bebey, 0.2 , {x:400, y:500, scaleX:0, scaleY:0, ease:Quad.easeOut})
    First play works perfectly, but on replay my first set of tweens gets killed.
    I'd really like the second set of tweens to start before the end of the "Bounce" - I actually only want 1 bounce - thus I insert it before the first set is ended.
    I'm wondering if there's some kind of work around for this...

    The only way I can think of is to artificially recreate the "bounce" effect in a perfectly sequenced set of tweens, with no overlapping in the end.

  3. Wow ! you rock ! thank you so much !


    I'm relieved it was something to do with the flash player - rather than me not understanding the GSAP api and gratefull you managed to fix it !

    well done guys, your update solved the problem alright, and you were really quick at it too, so the delay isn't even an issue !


    ok, so I have a new question now, sorry if I'm bothering :

    I often "initialize" stuff before I start a tween in my sequences, as in the example below


    new TweenLite(bebey, 0, {alpha:1, immediateRender:false}),
    new TweenLite(palmier, 0, {alpha:0, immediateRender:false}),
    new TweenLite(scene, 0, {scaleX:4.2, scaleY:4.2, x:-2300, y:-1000, immediateRender:false})
    new TweenLite(scene, 2.5, {scaleX:1.8 ,scaleY:1.8, x:-600, y:-450}),
    new TweenLite(bebey, 1.25, {x:450, ease:Quad.easeIn, delay:1}),
    new TweenLite(scene.bg, 1.5, {x:100, ease:Linear, delay:1.8})

    I get some problems on replay here as well, do you think the inits using tweens with 0 duration may be interfering here ?

  4. Thanx for the fast reply !


    I was actually stripping out all the unnecessary stuff, as you suggested, to test the animation with just the minimum - as I had added the restart feature only once I got the whole sequence together.


    So, I still have the issue, but then I tried removing sequence 2 and 3, and yes, the problem disappeared ! So I guess there is some kind of conflict in the tweens and one gets killed, as you mentioned...


    I'm preparing the .fla to show you, but I need to get rid of a great deal of graphics to get it under 500k.

  5. Hello all !


    I'm new to the greensock API, and therefore also new to the forum !

    Well, first of all, I'd like to congratulate for the great job, the APIs are awesome !

    I'm also just getting started in AS3, as I've always been using AS2 so far, but that's another subject...


    After a couple days, I think I'm aleady getting things to work nicely, so I'm pretty pleased with the quality of the platform, it makes AS3 look easy !


    I got a nice animation playing, with tweens nested in timelines, all nested in one master timeline, I named masterTimeline. In the end, a button allows to restart the animation, so it triggers masterTimeline.restart()

    The thing is, some of the tweens don't play. I'm really puzzled by the following :

    //sequence 1
    var barongteterot1:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite();
    barongteterot1.append(new TweenLite(barong, 0.9, {rotation:-30, ease: Linear.easeOut})); //rotate
    barongteterot1.append(new TweenLite(barong, 0.9, {rotation:0, ease: Linear.easeOut})); //rotate back
       new TweenLite(barong, 1.8, {x:-30, y:145, ease: Quad.easeInOut}),
       new TweenLite(barong, 1.8, {scaleX:0.6, scaleY:0.6, ease: Linear.easeOut}),
    //sequence 2
    var barongteterot2:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite();
    barongteterot2.append(new TweenLite(barong, 0.9, {rotation:30, ease: Linear.easeOut}));
    barongteterot2.append(new TweenLite(barong, 0.9, {rotation:0, ease: Linear.easeOut}));
       new TweenLite(barong, 1.8, {x:470, y:125, ease: Quad.easeInOut, onComplete:swapDepth, onCompleteParams:[0]}),
       new TweenLite(barong, 1.8, {scaleX:0.2, scaleY:0.2, ease: Linear.easeOut}),
    //sequence 3
    var barongteterot3:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite();
    barongteterot3.append(new TweenLite(barong, 0.4, {rotation:-30, ease: Linear.easeOut}));
    barongteterot3.append(new TweenLite(barong, 0.4, {rotation:0, ease: Linear.easeOut}));
       new TweenLite(barong, 0.8, {x:250, y:255, ease: Expo.easeIn}),
       new TweenLite(barong, 0.8, {scaleX:0.05, scaleY:0.05, ease: Linear.easeOut}),

    it plays perfectly, but when I restart the masterTimeline, the "rotate back" in sequence 1 won't play !!

    it's really puzzling as sequence 2 and 3 are constructed in the same way and have no problem what so ever !

    I managed a work around, triggering the rotate back in a function called with onComplete, but I'd really like to understand, mostly.


    maybe other parts of my code are interfering (although I doubt it), but if anyone has an idea of what's happening here, I'd appreciate an explanation or any lead to a start of an explanation.


    Cheers all !


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