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Everything posted by JohnMatrix

  1. @tmusharraf you say you 'solved' the gap on the right side of the screen when the text is scrolling, can you please elaborate on how you 'solved it', I am facing the same issue. It would be beneficial to other future visitors to these forums and in searches.
  2. Hello GSAP helper, the issue with my doing a codepen for this instance is that a codepen does not replicate a mobile device. And since the issue is only arising when using an actual mobile device (my dev. page) or in chrome tools mobile device simulator, I cannot make a code pen that does any good.
  3. Hello, I am using a simple gsap.from animation: gsap.from('#photos', { y: 500, opacity: 0, duration: 1.5, ease: 'elastic' }); The side effect I am getting from GSAP (on mobile device only) is when I click my radio buttons for a contact form choice (which have event listeners on them), the page snaps upward about a screens height, losing sight of where the user was. (No, there are no associated anchors) I thought this was only the radio buttons w/event listeners, but testing on a separate image on the page, w/no event listeners, butt has a transform animation, it causes the same effect, snapping the page up about a screens length. This only happens on mobile testing... (I know it is GSAP related because if I comment out the code, everything works normal)
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