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Posts posted by motionsmith

  1. I found a small bug with a quick fix that you might want to add to your codebase. If a user is hovering over a transformItem when enabled = false is called, the cursor stays on whatever image that it was on, and doesn't remove until the transform manager is enabled again and something is clicked on. I fixed it by adding swapCursorOut() to the enabled setter if $b == false;

  2. I got a close value by taking the scaleX/scaleY value of the transformItem and multiplying it by my display object's original size. The calculation isn't perfect though. If my display object is 100x100, when I rotate it, it will become. 99.XXXXXXXXXX.


    This is okay I think, unless you know a way to get a perfect reading. (by that, I mean that when I rotate it, the width and height STAY 100).

  3. Hello,


    I am needing to read the width and height of a transformItem as if it were not rotated. The .width and .height property seem to take the rotation into account, meaning that I get the value that I need only when rotation == 0.


    I figured I might be able to get this value from the bounds.width/height value, but I am trying to read the value when the transformItem is NOT selected, in which case "bounds" seems to be null. Is there an explicit value for this, or do I need to perform a calculation. If so, what is it?

  4. I am looking to purchase your AS3 transform manager, but one feature that I really need is snapping points to a grid and to other transform points on other tranform elements. Functionality would be something similar to:


    User drags item. Top-left point snaps to a grid. All other points (including top-left) snap to other transform points on other transform elements.


    User scales item. Gripped point snaps to grid/other points.


    User rotates Item. Gripped point snaps to grid/other points.


    I didn't see that this was possible directly through the API. Do you see this being quite easily doable by some other (possibly even unsupported) method?




    Eric Smith

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