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Posts posted by reker_7

  1. I'm so sorry. I can't realise smooth switching of slides. I've already tried different variants of "ease" and timeScale properties, but I can't get to the truth, or I'm wrong and slowing down the switching of slides should be done through scroll, in my case Locomotive Scroll is connected, but when trying to configure it, all animations are broken

  2. Thanks for the detailed answer and so detailed, read the video, finally got to implement what I needed! The only thing I couldn't figure out yet is how to shorten the distance to the first block:

    See the Pen RwqxYBm by Reker7 (@Reker7) on CodePen

    Thank you for your time! Your answer gave very important information for me)

    For some reason the display of the example in CodePen is different for me and when I click on the link (((

  3. Hey! There is a problem with the implementation of animation on my site, it is necessary to make scroll sections with attachment to the top of the page, then in this section should change the photo. then overlay the next section on top and scroll through the photo in it.
    Can you tell me how to track the completion of the horizontal slider to continue flipping sections.

    Example of section scrolling

    See the Pen WNzLeWX by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

    Example of horizontal scrolling of pictures in them:

    See the Pen LYzXwwZ by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

    Here is the current implementation code:

    See the Pen dyQJeXK by Reker7 (@Reker7) on CodePen

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