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Posts posted by gcooke

  1. Let's stay away from the ball and just look at repeat animation across a screen. To achieve a repeating animation across a screen currently i need to use the following code over 60 times.


    example in code pen,

    See the Pen BjbZYg by anon (@anon) on CodePen


    There must be a way to achieve this with only a few lines of code?



  2. Hi,
    I have a timeline animation:


    var animation = new TimelineMax({repeat:2});
    animation.to(hanging, 2, {y:"+200px", ease:Bounce.easeOut})
    animation.to(mischief, 2, {x: "-=230"})
    animation.to(mischief, 3, {x: "900"})
    animation.to(rachel, 1, {y: "0"})
    animation.to(rachel, 3, {y: "-=120px"})
    animation.to(rachel, 5, {y: "+=70px"})
    animation.to(rachel, 6, {x: "+=50"})
    animation.to(rachel, 6, {y: "-=90px"})
    animation.to(rachel, 6, {y: "+=180px"})
    animation.to(rachel, 6, {x: "-=430", y: "0px"})


    I need to create an animation that goes up and down, bouncing, but require the bounce to continue as it goes across the screen.


    Any help greatly appreciated



    • Like 1
  3. Hi,


    So I would like to know how I pass a variable into the following bezier code.



    TweenMax.to(dot, 5, {bezier:{curviness:2.2, autoRotate:false, values:[{x:0, y:0}, {x:0, y:400}, {x:335, y:400}, {x:335, y:45}]}, ease:Bounce.easeIn});

    Ideally I would like to set a variable to pass into the first values {x:0, y:0}:




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