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masq last won the day on April 7 2013

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Posts posted by masq

  1. Hi,


    I have a similar problem only in my case I need to be able to control child Timelines individually so I need them to be set as paused.


    See the Pen JCrBi by skmasq (@skmasq) on CodePen


    as  you can see it jerks the reverse animation, I think it's because I'm passing `.play()` function to `.add()`.




    See the Pen jyJHh by skmasq (@skmasq) on CodePen

     where I set `pause: false` and remove `.play()` and just leave the instance. But it still jerks the animation.




  2. Hi!


    A big thank you for helping me understand the root of my problem. This is the first time I come head to head with such a problem, if I knew never would opened up a post :) (Being ignorant just thought there is something with the way plug-in works)


    Sorry everyone for your troubles and again big thank you everyone who helped, I will post full site in several days for you to enjoy!


    Best regards,


  3. I think, I don't understand JavaScript a bit.

    If I'm creating new instance of TimelineMax, it should be separate and independent from other Tweens, am I right?

    If I just use .play() and .reverse() it should never loose starting/ending style's ?

    Or is my code subject to cross reference, and it somehow interacts with other instances, but it can't be because before I created separate instances for each element without TimelineMax definition in layer object...

    Looking at this code, is there a possibility of cross reference between those three buttons, maybe in selectors?


    Here is screenshot with opacity and left not tweening correctly
    Where values should be opacity: 0 and left: 80px

    • It doesn't happen only to this button, it happens time to time to others, jerking opacity and positions.




    • I will check if the problem persists after minimizing image re-paint to minimum, but it's odd that it's affecting actual values.



  4. Hi,

    • Yes,
    • And heres is codepen version

      See the Pen xbCJd by skmasq (@skmasq) on CodePen

      , but it seems it doesn't replicate the problem.

    Here we go a video :

    • It seems that it overwrote the begining of the element which is left: 80px,

    Here is how I define values:

    var routes = {
            "animals": {
                is_gallery: true,
                gal_rotation: 4,
                arrow_color: main_colors.green,
                button_opt: [
                        id: "#animals-start",
                        settings: {},
                        info: {
                            opacity: 1
                        text: {
                            opacity: 0
                        id: "#animals-contact",
                        settings: {
                            rotation: 13
                        info: {
                            left: 0,
                            opacity: 1
                        text: {}
                        id: "#animals-castle",
                        settings: {
                            rotation: 13
                        info: {
                            opacity: 1,
                            left: 0
                        text: {}
                mt_rotation: 14,
                middle_text: $("#animals-mt"),
                start_position: function () { return staticRoute.animals(); },
                ele: $(".animals", "#menu"),
                url: "/i/zveri/",
                opt: {
                    width: 3326,
                    height: 3326,
                    marginTop: -2100,
                    marginLeft: -1900,
                    rotation: "0_short"

    Here I define tweens:

    layers: {
                route_hover: function (_thisTitle,_thisTitle_opt,_thisText,_thisText_opt) {
                    var _self = new TimelineLite({
                        paused: true
                        TweenMax.to(_thisTitle, 0.5, _thisTitle_opt),
                        TweenMax.to(_thisText, 0.5, _thisText_opt)
                    return _self;

    And here I attach tweens:

    $.each(routes[_route].button_opt, function (index, item) {
                    var hitbox = $(".hitbox", item.id);
                    var text = $(".text", item.id);
                    var info = $(".info", item.id);
                    // Declare info,text tweens
                    hitbox.animation = new tl.layers.route_hover(info, item.info, text, item.text);
                    // Set mouseeneter/mouseleave handlers
                    hitbox.on("mouseenter.route mouseover.route", function () {
                    }).on("mouseleave.route mouseout.route", function () {
                    }).on("click.route tap.route", function () {
                        // Disable animations
                        map.layer.find(".route-btn").each(function () {


  5. Hello,

    I have success making everyone to view the real thing here:

    See the Pen xbCJd by skmasq (@skmasq) on CodePen


    Routes are not working yet.

    But the interesting thing is, I can't seem to replicate this problem, as if somekind of magical thing is happening here.


    Maybe create site in codepen and ship it ? :D

    I will put up on live server in an hour, and will start to check the differences.


    I found a temporary fix, that will always keep my tweens without lag but with very,very low FPS.

    I created transparent element which is animating all the time:

    TweenMax.to($("#tween-fix"), 1, { css: { height: 55 }, repeat: -1, yoyo: true });

    Here we go a video in codepen:




  6. Hi there again,

    Answers to your questions and suggestions:

    • window.onfocus didn't solve anything sadly,
    • Thanks for the tip about scale, but that didn't change a thing neither,
    • I added that code only for this problem with purpose to minimize horrible effects I had, basically it manages normal hover when going from element to element, wish this was the problem and I wish I could work around somehow when I'm leaving the element,
    • Correct me here if I'm wrong while describing the actual process for tweening when hovering
    • Broswer is tracking my mouse movement,
    • Event listener fires function when hovered,
    • Then tween is rendered tick by tick
    • And what happens at the end I have no clue, because it's interesting that it shows the last tick if it didn't all the middle ones

    So from here, my guess:

    • On multiple tabs, there is some kind of problem AND only in specific situations I have no clue on which ones precisely, with rendering actual ticks when mouse movement was idle for more then 1,5 second, it seems as if browser is sleeping when mouse stops... I added dispatchEvent to the mousemove and it didn't help either.

    My questions:

    • Could it be somehow related to how I create new Tween instances, as I always create them dynamically?
    • How .play() and .reverse() of the same Timeline() instance could mess up elements starting properties, one of the elements flickered and stuck at left: 70px?
    • Would it help if I created new team foundation project and gave anyone of you access to see the real thing?

    Said that, I will try to replicate problem in jsfiddle and/or codepen, I am 90% sure I won't succeed but I have no other choice, because these buttons only show me that actual image sliders won't work properly too.

    I noticed VERY interesting thing, when I'm doing this sequence:

    • wait 1 second
    • move on element
    • wait 1 sec
    • move from element
    • move mouse around for more then 1 second
    • move to element

    the same thing happened, SO I think, it might be something with my Tween instances, browser and tweens loose communication if no Tween is animated for over a second.

    And my another guess is, there is something that messes up the whole TweenMax plguin, and don't know what, but basically it seems that browser or something in my code does something to Tweens.


    I've overboiled water the 3rd now :D

    So, I launched these lines 2 seconds separated:

    and the same thing happened, so now I'm 100% sure it's nothing to do with eventListeners and mouse tracking, it's 100% with the way I manage my Tween instances, create them, use them, while chrome has multiple tabs open, might it be that chrome has issues not rendering but execute javascript, like if nothing happens - let's save memory? And when something happens - Ops need to wake up, aaaand it's too late...

    Will do some profiling and rewriting, I will simplify the code as much as I can.

    Another interesting thing, that previously, what I think, the same problem occurred site wide, but now when I rewrote I removed some code that messed up and left some peaces that are still messing up small things.


    Sorry for my what it might seem illogical sentences, I'm just very stressed because need to ship this asap, but can't until this isn't sorted out.

  7. Hi there,


    Before I continue, you can look at this post about problems with Tween transition I posted





    I really appriciate any kind of criticism on my programming skills and code writing.

    And you might be 100% right that complexity of code is just what the problem might be, I will try to rewrite overnight the site again, even more simpler.


    The main problem is, the simpler the code the larger file, pluss I need leave room for future content. Another problem is going from one place to another is so damn complicated, that I just need to make it modular as the rest of the site :D


    You just gave me a good idea, I will replace all nontransperent PNG's with JPEG files, less rendering, smaller filesize.


    As soon as I rewrite working example, I will put on the live server, with the same address, but until then take look at the problem in video -> http://youtu.be/iZ_ee0lh-7Q


    Regards and thanks for the very appreciated posts you been giving me,


  8. Hi,


    I will record a video, because I don't know how to explain how to replicate the problem.


     I will post url to video asa I'll upload it.





    P.S. These tools are best thing that happened to me while programing on js, I thinking of going green anytime soon.

  9. I think I might just create a video, with experiments showing how tweens act... I know that it's the way I use them and create them.

    Because I don't know how actually TwennMax.to() and TimelineMax() work, I don't know where to find the problem?

    Why would there be a situation where Tween doesn't animate and just show end result?

    Is it .play() function and .reverse(), or is it the way I pass my element?

    By default I pass elements like this: $("#element") or $(".elements-class")

    When I did this in jsfiddle everything works fine..

    Could it be that those buttons are in nested containers?

    My site structure is like this:

    • View port
      • View area
      • simulated_background
      • main_area
      • layer
      • layer-item (buttons are here)
    • menu (buttons are here)
    • middle_text
    • key-hole
    • key hole light (this tween sometimes lag too)

    And always the place where buttons are active is on the top and all unnecessary are display: none.

    If site is opened normally and everything is done correctly, without leaving page, it might just bee all ok, no problems, always one of these things 100% trigger problems:

    • From developer tools taking select element, it messes with DOM and then tweens start to jerk
    • Switching tabs when something is animating (allmost anytime)
    • (this is 50%) Losing focus from browser and going with mouse in very fast.



    And yes it's still related to multitabing, without multiple tabs everything works just fine. And none of the above things trigger the problems.

  10. Hello there,


    I have problems with my Tweens, when I'm animating them on hover like this:

    $(this).find("a.handler").on("mouseenter.action mouseover.action", function () {
                        if (globals.menu_item_hover_complete)
                            // Animate current element
                    }).on("mouseleave.action mouseout.action", function () {
                        // Reverse animation

    These Tweens on chrome sometime lag and from opacity: 1 animates to opacity: 0.060008 (it hsould be 0) and sometimes when I'm tweening opacity:1 and top: 70, it sticks to top: 70 and just tweens opacity.


    What is the best way to use Tweens for hovering animations?

  11. Hello there again.


    So I have good and bad news.


    Good news is I managed to fix the major problem with animations. It seems that chrome isn't able to run JS properly. What I did I wrote more direct code rather than writing nested code, and did everything step by step watching if there isn't anything that puts a weight on animations.


    So that's good, now everything works slick.... BUT


    Now there is problem which, what I think, comes from the first problem.


    When I change tabs in middle of animations, I create a problem with TweenMax animations, it seems that on fast mouseenter/mouseover and/or after waiting for 2-3 secs on icon and then moving mouse outside the animation goes straight to end point or starting point, without animating anything, but when mouse is moved slowly in/out not staying in one place too long everything works like charm.


    I switched of RAF, and that didn't help.


    Maybe it's somehow related to how I write my Tweens, because when I tried to replicate problem in jsfiddle  everything works fine.


    So here some samples how I attach Tweens:


    Light contur:


    Here I define it:

    light: function () {
                    return TweenMax.to(map.light_contur, 1, {
                        opacity: 1,
                        paused: true

    Here I attach it:

    keyhole: function () {
                // Set light tween
                var lightTw = tl.start.light();
                map.light_contur.on("click tap", function () {
                    // Remove event listeners
                    // Start intro
                }).on("mouseenter mouseover", function () {
                }).on("mouseleave mouseout", function () {

    Menu buttons:


    Here I define them:

    itemHover: function (_thisTitle, _thisIcon) {
                    var _self = new TimelineMax({
                        paused: true,
                        onStart: function () {
                            globals.menu_item_hover_complete = false;
                            console.log("animation started");
                        onReverseComplete: function () {
                            globals.menu_item_hover_complete = true;
                            $(document.elementFromPoint(window.mouseXPos, window.mouseYPos)).trigger("mouseenter.action").trigger("mouseover.action");
                        TweenMax.to(_thisTitle, 0.5, {
                            opacity: 1,
                            scale: [1, 1]
                        TweenMax.to(_thisIcon, 0.5, {
                            opacity: 0,
                            scaleX: 2,
                            scaleY: 0
                    return _self;

    Here I attach them:

    menu: function () {
                // Find all menu items
                map.menu.find(".menu-item").each(function () {
                    // Set animation
                    var item_hover = new tl.menu.itemHover($(this).find(".title"), $(this).find(".icon"));
                    $(this).find("a.handler").on("mouseenter.action mouseover.action", function () {
                        if (globals.menu_item_hover_complete)
                            // Animate current element
                    }).on("mouseleave.action mouseout.action", function () {
                        // Reverse animation
                    // Set click event
                    $(this).find("a.handler").on("click.action tap.action", function () {
                        if (!$(this).hasClass("facebook") && !$(this).hasClass("twitter")) {
                            //Get routeName
                            var routeName = $(this).attr("data-menu-item");
                            // Remove all handlers
                            map.menu.find("a.handler").each(function () {
                            // Reverse hover
                            item_hover.reverse().eventCallback("onReverseComplete", function () {
                                // Show middle text
                                TweenMax.set(map.middleT, { display: "block" });
                                // Go to route
                        else {

    And here are another button set I use in regions:


    Here I define and attach them:

     // Global settings
                var global_settings = new TimelineMax({
                    paused: true,
                    onComplete: function () {
                        // Set show content
                        var showContent = new TimelineMax({
                            paused: true,
                            onComplete: function () {
                                // Reset middle text 
                        // Middle text fadeOut
                        showContent.add(TweenMax.to(routes[_route].middle_text, 1, {
                            opacity: 0
                        // Content fadeIn
                        showContent.add(TweenMax.to(map.layer, 1.5, {
                            opacity: 1
                        // Launch
                // Settings foreach button
                $.each(routes[_route].button_opt, function (index, item) {
                    // Settings for route button
                    global_settings.set($(item.id), {
                        css: item.settings
                    // Declare info,text tweens
                    var routeBtn_hover = new TimelineMax({
                        paused: true,
                        onStart: function () {
                            globals.route_btn_hover_complete = false;
                            console.log("Route btn animation started");
                        onReverseComplete: function () {
                            globals.route_btn_hover_complete = true;
                            $(document.elementFromPoint(window.mouseXPos, window.mouseYPos)).trigger("mouseenter.route").trigger("mouseover.route");
                    // Add animations
                        TweenMax.to($(item.id).find(".text"), 0.5, {
                            css: item.text
                        TweenMax.to($(item.id).find(".info"), 0.5, {
                            css: item.info
                    // Set mouseeneter/mouseleave handlers
                    $(item.id).on("mouseenter.route mouseover.route", function () {
                        if (globals.route_btn_hover_complete)
                        console.log("Route btn hover started");
                    }).on("mouseleave.route mouseout.route", function () {
                    }).on("click.route tap.route", function () {
                        // Disable animations
                        map.layer.find(".route-btn").each(function () {
                // Set info's settings
                global_settings.set($(".info"), {
                    opacity: 0
                // Launch settings

    If someone could give me a tour how TweenMax.to() function reacts with the browser, and why does $(element).on("mouseenter mousover") jerks with that function it would be great!


    If anyone has any questions please ask, and if you need live version, ask for that two, I will try to put that on, because right now, I rewrited everything and I dont have underconstruction page and then I need to create it!




  12. Hello again.


    Sorry for my ignorance, I just thought that set wouldn't have a callback just because it's not an animation type function.


    And yes, the second set of code is the actuall solution for my problem, because I have lot's of elements that are needed to be set :)


    Big thanks and sorry for silly question. Reason why I asked is that google doesn't really showed this question and I wanted others to be able to find this one when searched :)




  13. Hello there again!


    I use TweenMax.set() to set properties like opacity and transform(x,y,rotate,scale(x,y)) for IE6-8, and it works like charm, everything is perfect!


    But I have one issues, which I don't know how to solve. The life cycle of my page:

    1. Set DOM values via MVC engine
    2. Wait until $(window).load() and then fadeIn() page

    Problem is TweenMax.set() executes on slow computers after load is complete and then user needs to wait like 2-3 seconds until element by element is positioned for him. Basically it look like mess.


    What I would want is to know when TweenMax actually sets the values and after that I show content to the user.


    Is it possible, has anyone ever had this problem?




  14. Hi,


    I posted issue to chromium website, so I hope to get some answers.


    Upgraded to latest TweenMax 1.9.3 and no change at all in performance.


    I will do some talking with my client about this problem, how to handle this.... to be honest, this problem is so ridiculous, I just can't believe it exists...


    I'll be posting up if there is some kind of workaround or solution, until then


    Stay classy GreenSock!




    • Like 2
  15. Hi,

    Sadly I haven't got time to (for the 4th time) put everything back together piece by piece :D That's sort of thing I cannot afford because my deadline is 5 days from now, and I still have lot of work not related to this problem.

    Thanks, the idea of the site was developed 50/50 with my client, very creative woman, I told her that in order to have a good site I give her opportunity to request anything she want's and I will get that working whatever the cost.

    Well, I'm new to Tweens so I didn't know that TweenMax had CSSPlugin already included. I use MVC 4 script bundle, so the js and css loads only the first time they enter the site, after that it's stored on their computer with unique hash to know it's the same version the server has. What I want to say, size of load isn't issue for me, because the site doesn't support any mobile device, so I really have no reason to optimize site load :)

    For you to understand my tweens I would need to give you whole file, because everything is connected.

    I will get the latest version in 2-3h, and put it up, maybe you will see something I couldn't :)

    But tbh, I followed all the rules of increasing performance like:

    • Use over
    • Put predefined width,height values on
    • Try to avoid resizing (as much as I can), so I wouldn't use transform because Mozilla has problems with performance rendering transforms. At start the first keyhole animation was animating to scale[40,40] now its animating width,height.
    • Have low amount of DOM elements present (thats why I use lot of ajax, because at starting point I hade over 3k elements present and it was disaster :D ). Now I narrowed down to 220-280 elements per page, still too much thou.
    • Use GreenSock JS Tweens :D

    My audience:

    • My audience is people with not very good computers, and lot of them are without hdw accelerated graphics option, so I need to develop everything for a normal computer.
    • And my target audience browsers are:
    • Chrome
    • Mozilla
    • Opera
    • Internet explorer 8+ (I will support only 9+)
    • Safari (We don't have that many mcbook users) - (funny thing is that these are the most important users I need to target)




    • Thanks, I'm happy that someone from side likes my work.
    • I will put JS file for you to check Tween's I'm using, maybe there is optimization possible 
    • Sadly I don't have time to go in such a detail to analyze each piece of my site and put it one by one together (as I did 4 times before, thou not using TweenMax plug-in)




  16. Hi again.

    FPS Counter doesn't change, it's same in both situations.
    Not that I understand much of painting rectangles, but nothing else than what should isn't painting in background.

    After discovering the correct way to replicate problem I'm starting to think it's something maybe linked to garbage collection or RAM allocation.

    Correct way to replicate problem:

    • Open up 4+ browser tabs
    • Content should be heavy like facebook, twitter
    • Then open up this link
      • To start web page animations click on keyhole
      • When clicking on buttons your url will change, before you refresh page just make sure you don't have clean url like "/" you must have "/dev/" atleast - "/dev/" will bring you at start.
      • Don't click on facebook and twitter buttons, those will throw error.
    • You can monitor problems at first keyhole animation and all other animations that are present because all animations are executed by Tweens
    • Browser support: IE9+ all other browser seem to have full support

    To solve problem:

    • I just need to close all other tabs, and after page refresh it immediately works fine

    Sorry for messy site, but it's still in heavy development, and until I don't find a way to have it animate smooth I can't even think about shipping, and to be honest this plugin improved sites performance by 80% and this problem with Chrome is the last one animation wise.


    P.S. Your plug-in is a miracle because I was struggling to have cross browser and ie9 support, not only your plugin can do that, but with extra effort it's possible to even support ie7,8. This javascript framework is a real gamechanger. Thank you again for introducing us developers with this tool. :)

  17. Hi Rodrigo!


    Thank you for greeting :)


    So I tried, useRAF(false) and it didn't help.


    I'm not able to replicate this problem in jsfiddle, but I will deploy newest version tonight and post address and give you instructions how to replicate issue.


    I think it is problem with chrome distributing some kind of resources, and opening up more and more tabs ( as users are got use to it ) those tweens in timlines are working slower and slower until I can see only results on onComplete and on onReverseComplete without actually seeing animation in between.




  18. There is a problem with tweens in these conditions(edited):

    • Browser has multiple opened tabs and has worked for about 10-15 min
    • Browser was idle and then used again
    • When I open up more then 3 tabs


    var tweens = { main_area: { layer_buttons:{ getTween: function (_this, _properties) { return TweenMax.to(_this,0.5, { css: _properties, paused: true, delay: 0.2 }); } } }}var g = tweens.main_area.layer_buttons.getTween;var start = g($(".info", "#information-start"),{opacity: 1});$("#layers").on("mouseenter", "#information-start", function () { start.play(); }).on("mouseleave", "#information-start", function () { start.reverse(); });
    Problem:When I do a quick mouseenter from outside of browser or from another
    or mouseleave, animation doesn't render correctly and I just see end result (without seeing actual animation)Note:
    • I've noticed this behavior only in Chrome so far. I don't know what will be users situation with browser, that's why I want to know is there some kind of workaround for this problem.
    • After completely closing all tabs and restarting chrome browser, all tweens work how they supposed to work.
    • It's not just in this situation, it's with every tween I have on my site.
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