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Fitchett Developments last won the day on April 18 2013

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Fitchett Developments

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Posts posted by Fitchett Developments

  1. Yeah I know it fell off. I use it in adobe Animate It is still widely supported by Adobe Harmon which is a sister company of Samsung. I develop Android and IOS games/apps with it at the moment. I found some old forums here with talk of it being used and I tried to use it right now but realized I need the actual plugin that only a member can use I am guessing. Which is why it would be kind of a waste to become one for a old Language that isnt updated by Greensock anymore.

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  2. Where can you acquire this plugin? Do I have to become a member or can i just pay a fee for the plugin specifically. I am using Actionscript 3 and I just need to use this plugin so paying 99$ is kinda steep for a Indie game dev like myself. If there is a link someone can provide me being if it is acquirable I would much appreciate it! Thanks guys.

  3. Hey everyone so I am moving a Movie Clip across the stage using Animate CC/AS3 and I was wondering which way is faster or if it even matters?


    The initial method I would use was straight forward using an ENTER_FRAME Event Listener like so

    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, platformLoop);
    private function platformLoop(e:Event):void 
    			this.x -= 8.0;

    the Second Method which i am currently using now is like so:


    private function init():void 
    			TweenLite.delayedCall(0.001, moveChar);
    		private function moveChar():void 
    			TweenLite.delayedCall(0.001, moveChar);
    			this.x -= 8.5;

    This method using Greensock works just fine and moves the player across the screen pretty smooth. But I was thinking does it even matter is one faster or more efficient than the other?

  4. Great explanation. I completely understand. That question had be going all night because ive been working on my game for awhile now and I had so many timer events going on at the same time around 8 or 10 Timers I read a lot and understand that Timers cause lag and can decrease performance on Mobile devices etc.. So I removed them all and instead added TweenLite.delayedCall to all my used to be timer functions and have them loop I hope I did that correct. It seems to be working properly just like a timer. I hope I read enough to understand that by removing all the timers and using Tweenlite delayedCall was a intelligent move.

  5. Awesome thanks so much Carl Ill give it try today and let you know how it turned out. I hope this is not going against the forum rules but maybe you can help me answer this quick question. I was wondering if replacing ENTER_FRAME events in my Movie Clip objects main class to TweenLite would increase performance? RIght now in the Movie Clip Object classes I have the ENTER_FRAME event moving the Objects across the screen in a linear line with "this.x += 10" etc... Would it increase performance to just remove that and instead replace it with the Tweenlite? I ask because I am publishing the game to Android and the better perfromance the easier on the CPU ya know? I would appreciate any feedback thank you again!

  6. Hey everyone so I know that tweenMax has a onComplete function but I was wondering is there anyway that I can setup a tweenMax or tweenLite function to only run 30 intervals of my stages frames per second then once finished call on the onComplete function?


    I have a movie clip object that is added to the stage every 0.8 seconds and what i wanted to do was when my character picks up a powerup I wanted to have the movie clip object added to the stage every 0.1 seconds but only for a couple intervals or like say 5 seconds then I wanted to put it back to its original time.


    Is there anything that the tween engine offers to call on a onComplete function for this?

  7. Hey everyone so maybe you can help I have created a game using Flash CS6 and Flash Develop. I have objects that are added to the stage by a timer Event named "_Obstacles". These _Obstacles are all added Randomly to the stage. Now they get pushed onto the stage like so:


    private function addObstacle(e:TimerEvent):void
                 _Obstacles = new mcObstacles();
                 //TweenLite.to(_Obstacles, 2.7, {x: - 300});


    In my _obstacle class I removed this:


    if (sDirection == "R")
                    //Move obstacle left
                    this.x -= nSpeed;


    and added the line as shown above to my Main Engine class instead but its still be controlled by the timer:  TweenLite.to(_Obstacles, 2.7, {x: - 300});


    Now this works fine and they move across the stage correctly. But I am still experiencing major lag. I dont understand why. So I was thinking maybe it could be the TIMER_EVENT that is causing the lag and if i figure out how to push out the random array of objects every 2.7 seconds and remove the TIMER_EVENT someo how it will stop the lag.


    My game is simple and i dont understand why its lagging this is the only thing i can think of. Its a basic player jumping over the obstacles added to the stage by the timer. So I'm sure that the timer is the corporate. Please help.

  8. Hey everyone so In my Movie Clip class I have the Object move to the Right side of the stage using TweenLite and after the tween is finished I want the function "OnComplete" to remove the object but its not doing anything and the object is still on stage. Here is how I am using it:



    TweenLite.to(this, 3.0, { x: 900, y: 300, onComplete:removeTween } );


    Then the Function:


    private function removeTween():void
                if (this.parent)


    Does anyone know why its not removing the object from the stage?

  9. Thanks for the information it helped i think it has something to do with the object it runs into, because like i stated above whenever i change its position closer to the mcPlayer the hit test works.



    But while i have you hear i have another quick question.


    In one of my Object Classes i wan it to alpha ease in whenever its added to the stage. So i want it to be invisible then ease in after 1 second. I have this:


    TweenLite.to(this, 1, {autoAlpha:0});


    But it eases out. I tried to mess with it but couldnt really get it to work.

  10. Hey guys quick question. Do you know of any reason to why my hitTestObject wont initiate when i add this line to my mcPlayer Class:


    TweenMax.to(this, 1.5, { x:120, ease:Power0.easeInOut } );



    My hitTest function works perfectly fine but once i add this code to it, my player just goes straight through the object  this is how my mcPlayer class is setup



    public class mcPlayer extends MovieClip
            public function mcPlayer()
                addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAdd);
            private function onAdd(e:Event):void
                removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAdd);
            private function init():void
              TweenMax.to(this, 1.5, { x:120, ease:Power0.easeInOut } );



  11. Hey guys so im having a little trouble here.


    So i have a textField that updates after each hitTest which is called levelText. So what im trying to accomplish is the levelText field to fade out after 1 second at the start of each new level. It works fine for the first level but when i go to level 2 or 3 the text field doesnt appear at all. I believe i have to destroy it and re add somehow? Here is the code im using.


    private function startNextLevel():void


         TweenLite.to(levelText, 1, {autoAlpha:0});





    Please any information would help. Thank you.

  12. Yes!! That is exactly what i was looking for. You have been more than helpful.


    It wasnt working when i had it on TweenLite but it does the trick on TweenMax.


    Thanks again man.   So by using GSAP will this boost overall performance? or Optimization?

  13. I was thinking maybe i need to remove the stage.stageheight / 2; and do this instead:


    mGoal_1.x = (stage.stageWidth / 2) + 300;
     mGoal_1.y = (stage.stageHeight);



    then adding this:


    TweenMax.fromTo(this, 1, {y:-480}, {y:480, yoyo:true, repeat:-1 } );


    Instead of this:

    TweenMax.to(this, 1, { y:-480, yoyo:true, repeat:-1 } );





    So i think i understand what im doing wrong this seemed to work:


    TweenMax.to(this, 1, {y:40, yoyo:true, repeat:-1 } );


    So when we change the y value we are just telling it to move 40 pixels?


    still though when i change the code to this it does this bouncy effect when it hits the bottom of the stage and goes up then when it comes back down it bounces back up so on and so on. But it doesnt bounce when it hits the top of the stage

  14. You have been an amazing help man. Thanks so much for the explanation as well makes a lot of sense now. Also makes sense for other issues i have in my actual porject. Im trying to create levels but having a difficult issue maybe its due to the fact that each level is repeating every frame like you stated above due to the event loop i initiate.


    I have one more little problem though when i add this piece of code:


    TweenMax.to(this, 2, {y:-480, yoyo:true, repeat:-1 } );


    It works fine, but it goes off the screen in the -y coordinate it comes back down to thee positive y just fine and stays in the screen but not the opposite.


    Maybe i have the y:-480 wrong? I thought that i need that since my stage height is 480 any suggestions on how to keep it frm leaving the stage?

  15. Yeah i understand thanks alot for explaining. I tried your solution but it still does the exact same thing and keeps going up and up.


    Im not sure if this is a problem but i also add my child to the stage like so


    MovieClip.x = (stage.stageWidth /2) -280;

    MovieClip.y = (stage.stageheight /2);

  16. Hey guysso this is probably really easy and sorry ahead of time if this is a Repost.


    So im very new to this ive been reading up on how to use tweenLite and Max but im still really confused.


    So i have a MovieClip that gets added to stage when the user pushes play Game.


    I want this MovieClip to move Up and Down in a Linear path i want it to go on a infinite amount of times.

    My stage height is 480 if this is needed. I've tried this but it only goes up and doesnt come back down TweenMax.to(this, 5, { y: -480, yoyo:2 } ); 


    What do i need to do to make it reverse its path and keep repeating this path?

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