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Posts posted by xZorro_81

  1. Hi!


    How do I make scrolltrigger scroll to an item when clicked? I have a buggy version working but I don't think it's the right way to do it because it misses a lot of things. 1. 1.When I click on an item, there's a tiny delay before it makes that item active and switches to the content

    2. The onclick function is independent of the scroll function. So when an item is active when clicked, and then I scroll it doesn't go to the item but it starts again where the scroll was last left. 

    3. also is there a way to add some more friction when scrolling through the items? Right now when I scroll fast, it breezes through the items. I want to add some pause/friction. 


    Any help is appreciated thank you!


    See the Pen LYXVExZ by zorromaster (@zorromaster) on CodePen

  2. Hi all!


    How do I make the pinning and scrolling of a container work properly when there is content above and below it?


    So the problem is as I scroll to the pinned content, it only gets pinned when it's half way through. It works fine if there's no content above and below the container (yellow box) but when there is, the scroll takes longer to pin and finish. And since the active state (red) depends on the scroll, that too doesn't work as expected, it starts before the container is pinned and ends while it's still pinned causing the items to have no active state towards the end of the timeline.


    Also when I'm scrolling too fast, the items just go by very quickly. Is there any way to turn it into a step animation?


    I'm guessing it has something to do with the `start` and `end` properties. But I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to fix this. Or is this even the right way to go about this?


    Please view the example in fullscreen.



    Thank you!

    See the Pen LYXVExZ by zorromaster (@zorromaster) on CodePen

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