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Posts posted by tiny999

  1. I'm trying to modify this code snippet (which I got from the forum here) to make it so the cards are stacked on top of one another a bit more (see attached image). I tried adjusting the "spacing" value and it almost works but is a bit glitchy with the opacity.  I'm afraid I do not know my way around gsap enough yet to be able to get it to look decent. Is there any chance I can find some help here?

    Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 00.44.14.png

    See the Pen gOQYLpb by tiny999 (@tiny999) on CodePen

  2. I'm trying to build a page transition effect using FLIP and react-router. I want the card to smoothly flip from its position, into the position of a bigger div on the next page. 
    I've followed FLIP docs and right now, on click, the second card does take the position of the initial card, but it does not animate back to the original state as it is supposed to. Can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Can someone help?



    Here's a link to the sandbox: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-vdfzqh?file=src/App.js


    See the Pen App.js by edit (@edit) on CodePen

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