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Posts posted by ziraga

  1. I don't think there is a tutorial on how to use bannertime. 


    The one thing I never used, was the smartobject. It just didn't fit the way I work.


    As for the script loader, just add the script url that you want to use into the array and the politeLoad function will loop through it and add it to the head before anything in the banner runs or gets called.

  2. This is very vague and last I check, bannertime doesn't have a detail explanation on how their tool works.

    is there anything specific that you are trying to do?


    I have a clone of bannertime but use my own templates. The one tool that I had to get very familiar with, was gulp.

  3. Thanks, 


    There are two problems

    1. is the right and left skins and the way it previews the scaleable content div.

    2. the Header HTML has 2 states which I have no idea how to preview with their respected sizes.


    I'm assuming I have to put it on their environment to preview everything but I have not used their services before so I don't know what the process is.


    See the Pen OgNQMr by Felipe (@Felipe) on CodePen


    See the Pen eRZVZz by Felipe (@Felipe) on CodePen


  4. I didn't know that was the reason, interesting to know! I personally prefer action to initiate video banners, it makes much more sense and forces advertisers to be much more creative within those first few seconds.



    Whats the implementation for Android devices in future? I know iOS Safari will be looking the webkit-playsinline attribute in the video tag. Will Android be doing the same?


    Android post on autoplay.



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  5. The way Ad companies are getting around the whole autoplay video on mobile, is by converting the video to an image sequence and when you touch it, it gets replaced with the actual video. (I know Sizmek does it that way) 


    The good news (or not) though is that Android and IOS will start letting video autoplay pretty soon. why you ask? well, everyone knows that the autoplay video ban was imposed to save battery life and processing power, but it turns out that playing an image sequence does more "damage" than actually letting the video play.

  6. according to the CDN issue.


    Publishers and ad servers will decide what the most common libraries are and they will go into the "accepted" list.


    I know that Doubleclick, Flashtalking and Sizmek already have GSAP white listed and it is exempt from the final k size of the banner. Now, Ad serving companies are another story, they will probably see their bottom line getting a little hurt since they used to charge more if the banner was over 40k. If there is a group that will have some resistance, it will be them.

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