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Posts posted by SImonR82

  1. Hi @Rodrigo
    I hope you're well, thank you for your feedback, yes it's the complicated method that keeps changing to 'simplify' our lives. At least it keeps us in shape for our duty as developers to constantly evolve ; )
    I'll test your tips this weekend and see if I can optimize my code.
    I'll do a minimal demo next time, I promise.
    Thanks again
    Have a nice weekend

  2. Good evening @Rodrigo,
    thank you for your quick reply, mine is a little less so with the kids hopping around me. Thanks for your sound advices, even without minimal demo ; ) (next time), I'm going to apply them to all my components that have an animation with gsap.

    After a bit of digging, I realized that my animation worked as expected except that it was behind my preloader, which is managed on my page.js (Home component) or my layout is called from the beginning, so the animation is played behind the preloader then when it finishes the header and footer are already there and it's my home that arrives which is in the children of my body in the layout.

    Basically, I'd have to call my preloader in my layout.js but that would mean giving it a 'use client' and losing the server rendering, so I don't really see the point.

    Or I could put a time delay for my preloader on my gsap animation in the Header component.

    I don't know which would be the best method.

    Thanks in advance
    Have a nice weekend

    Best regards


  3. hello guys, a quick question, I'm using Next.js 13, I'm using the native layout.js in which I've just added a Header and Footer component, so far nothing exceptional, I have my Header component in which I have a simple animation made with Gsap (useEffect). Everything seems to be working well, but the animation only works when the page is reloaded, not when I go from page to page (although that's not what I want) but, for example, after my preloader is played, no animation.
    If I take my Header component out of Layout.js and put it on my home page, the animation works normally.
    An idea of what I could do, the solution resists me. Thanks in advance

    Capture d’écran 2023-05-26 à 16.08.49.png

    Capture d’écran 2023-05-26 à 16.06.17.png

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