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Fatima Osman

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Posts posted by Fatima Osman

  1. Hi Geedix, 

    That's a great idea about embedding the fonts at higher resolutions. Thank you for that suggestion!


    I don't understand your last sentence, 
    "For flat type, the file size should be okay as a png, but for photos, add more compression, and it will still look better than it would have at 1:1 dimensions. "


    Could you explain a little further?


    Thanks so much!


  2. Hi Geedix, thanks for your response. We've been using png's but some of the Creative people have been pointing out how the vector versions of fonts and other images look a lot sharper/crisper.


    I've been doing some tests. It seems like they're not as sharp necessarily on PC's however the vector versions of fonts and images look much better on Macs. I can use Animate and the static text fonts gets embedded in the files but that ties me to using Animate. I have to figure out the details of using Animate with GSAP because I've been using the Timeline so far. I was great at doing this in Flash and Flashbuilder with ActionScript. I was also great at hand coding banners in HTML, CSS and JS but I'm out of the loop somewhat these days and have been using the timeline in Animate. I've gotten too much work and have just been churning out banners.


    I think I have time now to research and figure out best practices and hopefully streamline some of my processes. 


    I'm looking into how to test my banners on different browsers and machines the way emails can be QA'ed in different clients on Email on Acid and Litmus so I can compare the vector versions to the png versions of the fonts in banners.


    A lot to figure out. Any pointers would be appreciated but not necessary.


    I think I need to ask front end developers who build sites what they use for testing their sites and how they embed proprietary fonts.

  3. Hi,


    I was wondering what the best way is to include type in banners that have no Google font equivalent without using SVG. I tried opening a storyboard in Illustrator that was originally created in Photoshop. I used the Export Assets feature and saved them out as SVGs. The file sizes were so big though, probably due to all of the combined anchor points in the font characters.


    Is there a way to embed the font characters that are needed, similar to how Animate does it, so that the file size doesn't grow so much?


    I'm exploring the best ways to create banners and was wondering if there was a way to do it independent of Adobe Animate.


    Thank you

  4. I didn't get the email. I did a search for Barsotti in my emails and didn't see it. I feel like I would have noticed and remembered if you sent me an email. It's possible that I was maybe too stressed at some point that I could have overlooked it. I'm going to message you now and ask for your email to search through my gmail.

    • Haha 1
  5. Thanks for the answers everyone.


    Michael Barsotti, do you guys use Google fonts instead of bitmaps for the text in the banners? 


    Also, this may be a lot to ask but I just thought I'd ask, would you be willing to share one of your project files? I used to build banners this way many years ago but it's been a while and I've gotten thrown into working on banners again, which I actually like, but I'm out of practice and just curious and want to quickly pick up as much as I can. For now I'm using Animate but want to go back to how I used to build them if it becomes a regular thing which I think may be happening. 

  6. Thanks for the answers everyone. I used to use straight HTML, CSS and JS with Greensock libraries for banners but I've been somewhat out of the loop for a few years and the current place at which I'm freelancing uses Animate.


    I don't know much about EaselJS so I should look into that.


    I have a good deal of brushing up to do. 

  7. Hi,


    What's the best and most straightforward way to set up a standard Adobe Animate banner to use GSAP? I used to work with Tweenlite, etc. a lot in the past but I'm a bit out of practice these days and wanted to know what the best way to use GSAP with Adobe Animate ad is nowadays.


    I know that all of the assets need to be named movieclip instances on the first frame. Should I use an include to access greensock through the cdn path? Will that add to the file size? Also, which specific syntax is best, gsap.to/from or timeline.to/from when working in Animate? 


    I just want to go from basic timeline animation back to GSAP and then build those skills again a step at a time.


    Thanks for any help you can offer!



  8. Hi Rodrigo, thanks for responding.


    I didn't even realize there was a Banners forum. That's good to know. I'll probably delete this question for now because I finally have an answer. Something had to be changed in the settings.


    I also realized that I'm not even using Greensock for these banners so I probably shouldn't have posted here. I wasn't thinking clearly in the midst of my panic.


    Thanks again,


  9. Hi,


    I have a bunch of ads that I've created for an agency that need to pass this tool called Ad Valify. The people who serve the banners, Wavemaker, use Ad Valify. No matter what I do, Ad Valify returns a value of Infinite Animation Duration. It's driving me insane. Sometimes when I remove one of the 3 main background images, the Animation Duration value becomes about 4 seconds. The ad is maybe 10 ish seconds give or take but definitely under 15 seconds. Can anyone help? I've attached my files here. Thank you so much for any help you can offer. 


  10. Hi,


    This is my first time, I think, using these or any forums in a while. How do I create a mask over an image in a banner that's an irregular shape? The banner link is below. I need to get it under 150k. The three images that slide in have slightly irregular shapes. The diagonal line isn't an issue but there are small parts of channing's head and other elements that prevent me from saving the files out as jpgs. I can't get the file size down to under 150k unless I can save the film images as jpgs. Could someone help please? Thank you so much if you help me.


    banner animation



    banner zip file



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