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Posts posted by carsonarrow

  1. Hello,


    I’m currently working on a project where I’m trying to create a ScrollTrigger timeline where some parts are scrubbed through and other parts play automatically.


    Essentially, I want to play certain parts of the timeline automatically, pause at certain places to display text and then have the user scrub for a bit to animate out the text and resume the overall animation.


    During the sections that play automatically I want to disable scrubbing (which I’m currently doing by changing the body overflow to hidden) so as to prevent the user from triggering the scrubbed parts of the timeline.


    I have this sort of working but what I’m wondering is:

    1. What’s the best way to get this working when scrolling back up the page? I’m using the onStart and onComplete callbacks on certain tweens to disable/enable scrolling but this doesn’t work when the timeline is reversed.
    2. Is there a better way to achieve what I’m after than what I’ve come up with in my pen, or am I on the right track with the approach I’ve taken?

    See the Pen vYVxBZW by carsonarrow (@carsonarrow) on CodePen

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