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Posts posted by jsoares

  1. That's so obvious! I did didn't even think to check if both versions were compatible  🤦‍♂️

    Thanks for pointing that out. Both versions work the same for me if as long as I use the same version of both ScrollTrigger and SmoothScroll.


    However I noticed the markers are not behaving as expected on 3.12.0. I don't think there are issues with the actual triggers only the markers


    Edit: the start marker works as expected the other ones are pinned to the bottom


    See the Pen XWxGJQJ by jmorgadosoares (@jmorgadosoares) on CodePen

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  2. I've been developing a project with ScrollTrigger, ScrollSmoother and SplitText using the free demo version on codepen. After purchasing the ShockinglyGreen membership and using the full version the project was behaving slightly differently


    It's odd that the full version will behave the same if I change the data-lag from 0.5 to 0.75 in the demo. I've noticed codepen uses Scrollsmoother 3.12.0 whereas I can only find 3.11.5 with the membership


    Is this the expected behaviour between the different versions or am I missing something? Also where can I find the most recent full version of the different plugins?


    Edit: It seems multiplying all the data-lag by 1.5 makes it look the same but it's still odd


    Here is a minimal demo using the codepen version

    See the Pen mdzvJWQ by jmorgadosoares (@jmorgadosoares) on CodePen



    And a demo using my self hosted version

    See the Pen YzJBPLx by jmorgadosoares (@jmorgadosoares) on CodePen

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