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Posts posted by lkeabss

  1. What I wanted is to iterate (or do a forEach loop) so I didn't have to have a new gsap animation for each individual race track (I have about 20 of them), but I wasn't able to get the animation working on all of them at once with the same class.


    I just wanted one arrow on each track going around it.


    The problem was when I was setting the path/align option in motionPath I couldn't get it to apply for all of them.


    I eventually figured it out by setting the variable, by going up the tree to the div wrapper and inside the tree to the child for each.

    race_track_parent = arrow.closest(".track_item").querySelector('.race_track_path');




    I hope post helps somebody out!

  2. Hi, I've been trying to iterate a race track with an arrow go along the path on the included codepen link.


    Am I missing something here... I'm not very javascript savvy, but I've tried all the different iterations, looked through other forum posts and codepens, and I could not find something that works.


    Any advice/help would be appreciated :)

    See the Pen LYgGjMX by colinrei (@colinrei) on CodePen

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