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FrogOnWheels last won the day on March 24 2013

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Posts posted by FrogOnWheels

  1. i would like to clean up my code a little and put blocks into external js files.
    Timelines.js, Variables.js, Functions.js, scene01.js, scene02.js, etc.............


    I'm in Edge Animate 'document.compositionReady' Window
    Now if i put this code in to the completely empty Window and publish everything works just fine.
    My Html Page is opening and on load the square div moves 500 pixels to the right.

    yepnope({nope:['Javascript/greensock/TweenMax.js'], complete: init});
    function init (){
    var testSquare = sym.$("testSquare");
    sym.tweenSquare = function(){
    TweenMax.to(testSquare,2, {left:"+=500"});

    I would like to put this code into an external Square.js file and call it.

    Now I have a completely blank Edge Animate 'document.compositionReady' Window
    and an external Square.js file with the above code in it.

    This has been driving me nuts for the last 10hrs straight!

    What do i put in the blank 'document.compositionReady' Window?
    How to get the Square.js file to load and fire off the function ?


  2. Hi Carl,


    thanks for your reply.

    PreloadJS looks like what i would need for preloading.

    Michael's tutorial is very well written.Looks complicated too,

    but i'll see if i can get my head around it.


    I allways seem get confused with all the syntax ($ # ( ){ }[ ] . , .

    or maybe i've just being avoiding it all these years!

    Maybe you can suggest a good understandable read on all of that!



  3. Hi everyone,

    i started this about 2 months ago. This was when i discovered JSAP and Edge Animate. EA being a great host. I just wrapped the whole thing in a div in Dreamweaver because of the like buttons.

    Please do like if you like.



    Please let me know of any hiccups you might encouter and what i can fix!
    From my testing i have found that it runs very smooth on IE.
    I also left out some CSS goodies because of IE not supporting them.

    The website is almost completely JSAP and EA except for the content, which isn't really much. Only 3 active tiles at the moment. I'm working on more. The more i use JSAP the more ideas i get.

    I've just hit the tip of the iceberg with this fantastically robust animation platform.

    I haven't had any major issues, except my own mistakes from learning.

    But reading through these forums and the very understandable documentation, i've learnt a lot and solved most problems.

    I do though have a problem that i would like to solve.
    Does anyone know how to get a  0% to 100% numerical Preloader working from within Edge Animate.

    What i'm looking for is to use javascript (jquery) in the Edge Animate 'document.compositionReady' window and target my divs that have content and have a percentage graphic or numbers run in lets say div A until the content of the div B has fully loaded in the background.
    I dont know how to code so i would really need an example of what code and where exactly to put it and the syntax.

    Also my content is not really loading fully. Has to be played once to get it to run smoothly.

    (Shark and Fragments!).
    I haven't found any help on the Adobe forums.

    I've published the Edge Animate Composition with Preloader on immediate, not on Polite, so you may get loading while your trying to view two of the three things i have in there!


    • Like 1
  4. My first post here, so go easy on me :-)


    I would like to thank Jack the Greensock for developing a fantastic platform and the extremly well understandable documentation to go with it.


    Thanks to this community where i have found solutions.


    I'm not a programmer or coder and this is my first time using js GSAP.

    I come from a background of operating multichannel DVEs.

    I understand the concept and i'm having fun learning to tween with code.

    I am building my personal website with Edge Animate and GSAP.

    I have about a thousand lines of GSAP code so far, Timelines calling Timelines calling Functions etc. Everything is working as expected.


    I have a little problem.


    I would like to revive an old Flash experiment from 2005 and re-create it with GSAP.


    How would i go about dropping a simple object (targeted div already on the Stage) and have it fall with gravity/friction/acceleration and maybe mass, hit an imaginary ground (pos y) and bounce back up and down until settled.


    I've attached an swf and fla stripped down to 1 box dropping.Drop.zip

    Can i do this with Javascript?


    The code in the Fla i found somewhere on web in 2005!

    I have no idea how to write something like this but i i just tuned the parameters until i got the desired effect.






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