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Lucas Ramalho

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Posts posted by Lucas Ramalho

  1. That actually helps me a lot! I'll leave the thread open to post the final result and mark your comment as the solution after, but something like this should really help me get into the right track. Thank you so much @Rodrigo!

  2. Hi! I'm new to GSAP and currently I'm trying to do a section interaction.

    Here's the Figma Prototype

    The whole page is scrollable, but when it gets to this section the user snaps to it, and as you scroll this transition should happen.
    I have the sections absolute positioned on top of eachother with z-index of the first one set to 10. All of them are in a div, with 100vh set and overflow hidden.

    The website is built on Webflow, but I do have a codepen trying to replicate it.

    What would be the best approach here? What is getting me is specially the sections overlapping while mantaining the scroll.



    See the Pen XWxrgMq by randomgx (@randomgx) on CodePen

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