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  1. That's excellent - thanks so much!
  2. @GSAP Helper Sure, my CodePen is here https://codepen.io/hwgwalker/pen/QWVxdqV Seems to loop ok (although it glitches a few seconds in), but for my animation I don't want the items to be scrolling continuously. Instead, it's kind of meant to be like posts being added to a social media timeline. So an item will come in from the top and shift the others down. Then each item that loops back to the top is a 'new' post. Very rough outline of what I want it to look like here if it helps: https://codepen.io/hwgwalker/pen/dyqqbar. Just not sure how to alter the verticalLoop function to achieve this.
  3. Thanks. How best to implement it with my particular animation? Been trying to get it to work but haven't had any luck yet.
  4. Hi guys, I'm quite new to GSAP and I'm trying to create this animation but having difficulty getting it to loop properly. The first item comes up from the bottom and then the animation loop should begin where each new item comes in from the top and pushes the ones below down. Then once an item is pushed out of view it should go back to the top and animate in again. I've attached a codepen for reference. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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