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Posts posted by mafl

  1. Hello,

    I'm working on a site and having a problem with integrating GSAP's "ScrollSmoother" while I could still use the CSS "scroll to anchor" feature, which would be triggered when one of the submenu items is clicked. Unfortunately, it seems that "ScrollSmoother" blocks this css feature.
    I tried to solve this by using "ScrollToPlugin" and not using CSS at all. But this has one important problem, it only works on the web page to which the submenu belongs. When I click on a submenu from another page, the navigation to the page with the anchor does not work. I understand that GSAP does not support Cross-Page Navigation, but I don't know how to solve this problem.
    Using CSS, it is usually possible to navigate from one page to another by clicking on a submenu item.
    It would be great if GSAP didn't block this behavior.
    Is there a way out?

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