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Nico D

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Posts posted by Nico D

  1. Ah, great tip, I wasn't aware of the set() method.

    Awesome, that can really simplify code for many situations.


    As for the negative delays, other tweens will be added to the beginning so that will take care of the negative delays.


    Thank you so much -- it is very inspiring to get such high quality support!

    • Like 1
  2. Hi Jack, sorry for being confusing, I'm not a native speaker . . .


    so no, the behaviour you're describing, like jumping to the point of time in the timeline is of course intended and works like it should


    but in my code, when the animation plays the second time, it is flickering, and not as smooth as the first time


    BUT I just found out what caused this . . . I used:

    var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:100});
    tl.to("#gs", 0, {scale:0.2, x:0, y:0, rotation:0, autoAlpha:0});
    tl.to("#gs", 0.75, {scale:1, x:0, y:0, rotation:0, autoAlpha:1, ease:Power4.easeOut, delay:-0.25});
    tl.to("#fs", 0, {scale:0.2, x:0, y:0, rotation:0, autoAlpha:0});
    tl.to("#fs", 0.75, {scale:1, x:0, y:0, rotation:0, autoAlpha:1, ease:Power4.easeOut, delay:-0.25});

    which creates the flickering in the second round of animation 


    but when I use this instead (simply re-ordering the lines)

    var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:100});
    tl.to("#gs", 0, {scale:0.2, x:0, y:0, rotation:0, autoAlpha:0});
    tl.to("#fs", 0, {scale:0.2, x:0, y:0, rotation:0, autoAlpha:0});
    tl.to("#gs", 0.75, {scale:1, x:0, y:0, rotation:0, autoAlpha:1, ease:Power4.easeOut, delay:-0.25});
    tl.to("#fs", 0.75, {scale:1, x:0, y:0, rotation:0, autoAlpha:1, ease:Power4.easeOut, delay:-0.25});

    everything continues to play smooth!


    So . . . thank you so much, it was while reading your response that this solution suddenly popped up in my head!



  3. hi,


    I'm really liking the smooth quality of the greensock javascript animation.


    that is, everything plays nicely smooth the first time, but when the animation is set to loop, or user interaction plays a part again (goes to a timeline label), the tweens are getting "hickups" -- get interrupted for a split second -- and look jerky.


    is there a trick or best practice to avoid this?




  4. Hi,


    is it possible to put a pause in a timeline (like a stop() in a Flash-timeline) ?

    When I use tl.pause() it is not doing that.

    Is there a built-in way or workaround to accomplish this?




  5. Ah, good to know. Thanks!


    Well, that's disappointing. And filter:inherit didn't change anything.


    So it's probably best to test really early in IE8 and see what it does with the animation.


    And keep things simple -- for compatibility's sake

  6. Hi!


    I noticed that when I nest animations (divs within divs within divs) in order to control animations, they play fine in modern browsers, but IE7 and IE8 only displays the animation to the outer div.


    I'm using simple TweenMax tweens for this in conjunction with jQuery, like this:


    TweenMax.from($("#cblattR"), 3, {css:{ rotation:90, scale:0.7}, ease:Power4.easeOut, delay:0.6});
    TweenMax.from($("#PLANT"), 4, {css:{top:"300px", rotation:10, scale:0.2}, ease:Power4.easeOut});


    Any ideas why this is and how to fix it?




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