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Posts posted by PubliAlex

  1. Thank you so much for your answer.


    You are correct, ScrollSmoother does leverage native scroll. I found a table on the lenis page that resume strength and weakness of all library




    Even if ScrollSmoother, with it's approach can smooth everything, to me, the cost for this is too much high. You lose some essential accessibility features like ctrl + f as you mentionned, you lose css sticky, you lose intersectionObserver, the library is 10x bigger...


    The only thing that miss me is the build-in animation system. I can, for sure, manually add elements with ScrollTrigger with some javascript, and I will, but it's definitely comfortable to be able to add some cool parallax effect with just some data-attributes.


    I wonder if the built-in animation system of ScrollSmoother could be externalized to a standalone plugin with the compatibility with ScrollSmoother AND native scroll. It would make sense because, after all, animation system and smooth scroll are 2 different things.

  2. Hello,

    I discovered you library, especially ScrollTrigger plugin and this is just awesome. I'm also very interested by the quick way to can add parallax to elements using SmoothScroller library.


    However, I don't really like the fact that you fake scroll by translating element. I prefer the vision of lenis library that apply smooth to the native scroll.


    My question is : Could we use the best of both world by using lenis to handle smooth scroll and keep the ability to use data-speed and others data attributes provided by SmoothScroller to create awesome parallax rapidly.


    Or even better, do you plan to update you SmoothScroll plugin to use native scroll instead of translate and keep all others features in a near future ?


    Thank you


    Best regards,

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