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Posts posted by LukeWilson

  1. Wow, I really got to pay more attention to using the correct syntax because I just copied and pasted your "good" version and it does work :)


    As a beginner it seems like a lot of my problems are due to bad syntax...

    it's all those {} and () and of course });


    I'll get better in time and stop pestering people for simple things!


    Thanks hombre

  2. Why doesn't 'myFunction()' fire at the end of this?

    (simple scroll-to-section)


    var $anchor = $(this);
    var scrollY = $($anchor.attr('href')).offset().top - 100;
    TweenLite.to($(window), 1.6, {scrollTo:{ y:scrollY, onComplete:myFunction, ease:Power2.easeInOut }});
    function myFunction(){


    Something to do with the scrollTo plugin??? I am confused...I have tried putting onComplete outside of the scrollTo:{} brackets, still nothing...

    what's up?


    Thank you very much for any help!


  3. Hi everyone

    I am implementing a simple smooth scrolling to next section type of thing.

    Here is the code:


      scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
      $('h1').each(function(i, h1){ // loop through article headings
    	h1top = $(h1).offset().top; // get article heading top
    	if (scrollTop<h1top) { // compare if document is below heading
    	  TweenLite.to(window, 0.5,  {scrollTo:{y:h1top}, ease:Power2.easeOut});
    	  return false; // exit function


    As it is, it scrolls to the next section, but starts from the TOP of the page most of the time -

    obviously I want it to scroll from the current window position to avoid the nasty 'massive jump' effect.


    I have tried:

    TweenLite.fromTo(window, 0.5, {y:window.y}, {scrollTo:{y:h1top}, ease:Power2.easeOut});


    where 'window.y' is the current Y position of window (correct??)


    I have also tried for the "from" part: {y:$(window).scrollTop()}

    (or the "scrollTop" variable which is the same thing)


    It does the same thing...

    what am I missing?

    It seems pretty simple...

    Can anybody help me?

    Thanks a lot (I'm learning)!

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