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Posts posted by MeltonP

  1. Hello!
    Apologies, I wasn't referring to the actual 'snapping' implementation provided by GSAP, I was just using that as a descriptor. I am referring to the motion that is occurring when the next section of scrollTrigger starts, (in the code pen this is most noticeable when going from the white to red section), in which the section goes up and then has an extra sort of bounce downward that causes an unwanted blink.

  2. Hello! 
    I am having an issue when using scrolltrigger and pins, I have the scrolltrigger start to be when the bottom of the container hits the bottom of the screen, but I think due to this it creates a harsh "snapping" to its pinned spot when moving in to the next section of the scrolltrigger. 

    The reason I have the scrolltrigger set to "bottom bottom" is because when I have the scrolltrigger start to be "top top" depending on screen size it doesn't show all of the content in the previous section before moving to the next scrolltrigger section (however when I was using "top top" the harsh snapping wasn't an issue). 

    Is there a way to either 1) Fix the harsh snapping in to the pinned spot when the scrolltrigger is set to "bottom bottom" OR 2) Fix the cutting off of content when the scrolltrigger is set to "top top" ?

    See the Pen YzONJYw by Melton-Paul (@Melton-Paul) on CodePen

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