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teste_brazil_1998's Achievements

  1. How would this one look? tl.staggerFromTo(allClouds, 0.6, { cycle:{ y:[120, 160], x:[0] } }, { cycle:{ y:[0], x:[0] }, alpha:1, immediateRender:false },0.06,'-=1')
  2. I'm trying to convert this button to my React site. Would you help me ? https://codepen.io/chrisgannon/pen/eezVOJ?editors=0010
  3. Typescript show this error Type '(index: number) => { cx: string; cy: string; }' is not assignable to type 'AttrVars'. Index signature for type 'string' is missing in type '(index: number) => { cx: string; cy: string; }'.
  4. Hello guys, How can I transform this to GSAP 3 ? tl.staggerTo(['.sun', '.moonMask', '.moon'], 1, { cycle:{ attr:[{cx:'-=140', cy:'-=20'}, {cx:'-=140', cy:'-=20'}, {cx:'-=90', cy:'-=0'}] } },0)
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