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Posts posted by cmp109

  1. Firstly, ❤️ this! Secondly... wish I was better at it :(


    I'm using Locomotive scroll and Splitting.js which chunks up my text into spans, ready to animate. Great stuff. Locomotive scroll adds a is-inview class when a div is entering the viewport making it the perfect opportunity to start my GSAP animation so you get a word after a word effect as it enters the viewport.


    import { gsap } from "gsap";
    import { PixiPlugin } from "gsap/PixiPlugin.js";
    import { MotionPathPlugin } from "gsap/MotionPathPlugin.js";
    import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/ScrollTrigger";
    if (document.querySelector("[data-splitting]")){
           gsap.from('.is-inview .char', { duration: .5, ease: "power2.out", opacity: 0, y: '50%' , delay: 20, stagger: .005 }) 

    On page load, Locomotive adds this is-inview class to everything above the fold so the animation above ^ works perfectly, However, GSAP has now run and finished so when I scroll down the page the letters don't animate in one after the other. They are just visible. You can see it's nested above .is-inview .char so whenever .is-inview is applied .char does it's thing - like it does initially on page load.


    I don't want to repeat (as in once you've scrolled past it, it shouldn't animate out and in again) so the repeat option for GSAP doesn't seem right - do you know how else can I achieve this? I almost need it to keep checking to see if .is-inview is applied and then if it is, run it again to everything that hasn't already run. I just can't get my head around that part 😕 Boooo! 


    I saw a post on here that mentions scrollTrigger but this blows my CPU when I querySelectorAll(".char"). The page might have a lot of these spans. 


    const sections = document.querySelectorAll(".char");
    sections.forEach((section) => {
      gsap.to(section, {
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: section,
          markers: true,
          start: "top center"
        borderTopLeftRadius: 0,
        borderTopRightRadius: 0,
        duration: 1

    A h2 on my site when all the JS has compiled for Locomotive & Splitting for example looks like this -if it's any help


    <h2 class="c-heading -h2 words chars splitting is-inview" data-splitting="" data-scroll="data-scroll" data-scroll-offset="500" style="--word-total:1; --char-total:9;">
      <span class="word" data-word="eCommerce" style="--word-index:0;">
        <span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index:0;">e</span>
        <span class="char" data-char="C" style="--char-index:1;">C</span>
        <span class="char" data-char="o" style="--char-index:2;">o</span>
        <span class="char" data-char="m" style="--char-index:3;">m</span>
        <span class="char" data-char="m" style="--char-index:4;">m</span>
        <span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index:5;">e</span>
        <span class="char" data-char="r" style="--char-index:6;">r</span>
        <span class="char" data-char="c" style="--char-index:7;">c</span>
        <span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index:8;">e</span>


    Appreciate any guidance - Thanks! 





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